Hatem Abdalla
Hatem Abdalla
Anatomy and Physiology |
habdalla@msjc.edu |
Christine Abriam
Christine Abriam
Career Education |
cabriam@msjc.edu |
Leila Abrous
Leila Abrous
Chemistry |
labrous@msjc.edu |
Cristina Acevedo
Cristina Acevedo
English |
cacevedo@msjc.edu |
Ruby Acevedo
Ruby Acevedo
Instruction Office |
ruacevedo@msjc.edu |
Eva Aceves
Eva Aceves
Talent Search |
eaceves@msjc.edu |
Jose Acha-Camacho
Jose Acha-Camacho
Academic Technology Services |
jcamacho@msjc.edu |
Colleen Ackerman
Colleen Ackerman
Athletics |
cackerman@msjc.edu |
Payden Ackerman
Payden Ackerman
Theatre |
packerman@msjc.edu |
Nina Acosta
Nina Acosta
Psychology |
nacosta@msjc.edu |
Lauren Adams
Lauren Adams
Library |
ladams@msjc.edu |
Julio Aguilar
Julio Aguilar
Maintenance and Operations |
jaguilar@msjc.edu |
Monet Aguilar
Monet Aguilar
Instruction Office |
maguilar@msjc.edu |
Raul Aguilar
Raul Aguilar
Enrollment Services |
raguilar@msjc.edu |
Ruben Aguilar
Ruben Aguilar
Veteran's Services |
ruaguilar@msjc.edu |
Shehnaz Aguilar
Shehnaz Aguilar
shaguilar@msjc.edu |
Melissa Aguirre
Melissa Aguirre
Veteran's Services |
maguirre@msjc.edu |
Fauzia Ahmadi
Fauzia Ahmadi
Anatomy and Physiology |
fahmadi@msjc.edu |
Tawhid Akbar
Tawhid Akbar
Enrollment Services |
takbar@msjc.edu |
Zeynep Akyol-Ataman
Zeynep Akyol-Ataman
Biological Science |
zataman@msjc.edu |
Bahareh AlaeiBahareh Alaei |
English |
balaei@msjc.edu |
Anver Alam
Anver Alam
Computer Information Systems |
aalam@msjc.edu |
Herbert Alarcon
Herbert Alarcon
History |
halarcon@msjc.edu |
Belgacem Al-AzemBelgacem Al-Azem |
Math |
kazem@msjc.edu |
Marissa Albarran
Marissa Albarran
Enrollment Services |
malbarran@msjc.edu |
Patricia Alcox
Patricia Alcox
Bookstore |
palcox@msjc.edu |
Marcos Alejandre
Marcos Alejandre
Academic Technology Services |
malejandre@msjc.edu |
Linda Alexander
Linda Alexander
Communication |
lalexander@msjc.edu |
Zahra Aljumaily
Zahra Aljumaily
Student Services |
zaljumaily@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Allard
Jennifer Allard
English |
jallard@msjc.edu |
Rebecca Allen
Rebecca Allen
Anatomy and Physiology |
rallen@msjc.edu |
James Allison
James Allison
Academic Technology Services |
jallison@msjc.edu |
Nathan Allison
Nathan Allison
English |
nallison@msjc.edu |
Gabriela Almendarez
Gabriela Almendarez
English |
galmendarez@msjc.edu |
Xochilt Almendarez
Xochilt Almendarez
English |
xalmendarez@msjc.edu |
Steven AlonzoSteven Alonzo |
Athletics |
salonzo@msjc.edu |
Jeff Alphonse
Jeff Alphonse
Chemistry |
jalphonse@msjc.edu |
Ahmad Al-Shawa
Ahmad Al-Shawa
Chemistry |
ashawa@msjc.edu |
Yvonne Alumia
Yvonne Alumia
Nursing Science (clinical) |
yalumia@msjc.edu |
Heather Alvarado
Heather Alvarado
Psychology |
halvarado@msjc.edu |
Jackie Alvarado
Jackie Alvarado
Enrollment Services |
jalvarado@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Alvarado
Jennifer Alvarado
Anatomy and Physiology |
jfloresmoreno@msjc.edu |
Joseph Alvarado
Joseph Alvarado
Maintenance and Operations |
joalvarado@msjc.edu |
Robert Alvarado
Robert Alvarado
History |
ralvarado@msjc.edu |
Alma Alvarez
Alma Alvarez
Counseling |
aalvarez@msjc.edu |
Shalah Alvarez
Shalah Alvarez
Student Services |
salvarez@msjc.edu |
Hyman Alvia
Hyman Alvia
Counseling |
halvia@msjc.edu |
Liza Alvia
Liza Alvia
Counseling |
lalvia@msjc.edu |
Meghan Amador
Meghan Amador
Financial Aid |
mamador@msjc.edu |
Gilberto Ambriz
Gilberto Ambriz
Maintenance and Operations |
gambriz@msjc.edu |
Dr. Rosalva Amezcua
Dr. Rosalva Amezcua
Counseling |
ramezcua@msjc.edu |
Devnol Anand
Devnol Anand
Information Technology |
danand@msjc.edu |
Elisabeth Anderson
Elisabeth Anderson
Biological Science |
eanderson@msjc.edu |
Jacob Anderson
Jacob Anderson
Athletics |
jacanderson@msjc.edu |
Mitchel Anderson
Mitchel Anderson
Academic Technology Services |
mianderson@msjc.edu |
Myron Anderson
Myron Anderson
Print Shop |
manderson@msjc.edu |
Stephen Anderson
Stephen Anderson
Nursing |
standerson@msjc.edu |
Rhonda Anderson-Culton
Rhonda Anderson-Culton
rculton@msjc.edu |
Miranda Angeles
Miranda Angeles
Counseling |
mangeles@msjc.edu |
Chemistry |
jkwainanjangha@msjc.edu |
Crystal Anthony
Crystal Anthony
Biological Science |
cranthony@msjc.edu |
Cherrie Apostol
Cherrie Apostol
Nursing |
cmanuelapostol@msjc.edu |
Maria Aquino
Maria Aquino
Learning Resource Center |
maquino@msjc.edu |
Michael Arce
Michael Arce
Sociology |
marce@msjc.edu |
Shamsul Arefin
Shamsul Arefin
Math |
sarefin@msjc.edu |
Jose Arellano
Jose Arellano
English |
jarellano@msjc.edu |
Rony Armas
Rony Armas
Public Information |
rarmas@msjc.edu |
Andrew Arnold
Andrew Arnold
English |
aarnold@msjc.edu |
Derek Arrington Harris
Derek Arrington Harris
Counseling |
darringtonharris@msjc.edu |
Eduardo Arvilla
Eduardo Arvilla
Communication |
earvillabohmer@msjc.edu |
Thomas Ashley
Thomas Ashley
President's Office |
tashley@msjc.edu |
Josie Aszterbaum
Josie Aszterbaum
Theatre |
jaszterbaum@msjc.edu |
Maeghan Aten
Maeghan Aten
Enrollment Services |
maten@msjc.edu |
Chris Atilano
Chris Atilano
Maintenance and Operations |
catilano@msjc.edu |
Thomas Atilano
Thomas Atilano
Maintenance and Operations |
tatilano@msjc.edu |
Eric Atkinson
Eric Atkinson
English |
eatkinson@msjc.edu |
Norman Ault
Norman Ault
English |
nault@msjc.edu |
Brandon Auten
Brandon Auten
Campus Safety |
bauten@msjc.edu |
Casey Avaunt
Casey Avaunt
Dance |
cavaunt@msjc.edu |
Maribel Avila Flores
Maribel Avila Flores
mavila@msjc.edu |
antonio Aviles Lopez
antonio Aviles Lopez
Maintenance and Operations |
aavileslopez@msjc.edu |
Bayan Awwad
Bayan Awwad
Biological Science |
bawwad@msjc.edu |
Francisco Ayala
Francisco Ayala
Campus Safety |
fayala@msjc.edu |
Jonathan Ayala
Jonathan Ayala
Accommodation Service Center |
jayala@msjc.edu |
Danny Babin
Danny Babin
Culinary Arts/Food Technology |
dbabin@msjc.edu |
Audrey Baca LopezAudrey Baca Lopez |
English |
abacalopez@msjc.edu |
Angelica BaccariAngelica Baccari |
Math |
abaccari@msjc.edu |
Charles Baccari
Charles Baccari
Math |
cbaccari@msjc.edu |
Kevin Baccari
Kevin Baccari
Math |
kbaccari@msjc.edu |
Jason Bader
Jason Bader
Art |
jbader@msjc.edu |
Elva Badillo
Elva Badillo
Career Education |
efernandez@msjc.edu |
Stacey Bae
Stacey Bae
Biological Science |
sbae@msjc.edu |
Milagros Baez
Milagros Baez
Sociology |
mbaez@msjc.edu |
Pradip Bag
Pradip Bag
Chemistry |
pbag@msjc.edu |
Levi Bailey
Levi Bailey
Administration of Justice |
lbailey@msjc.edu |
Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker
Student Life & Development |
kebaker@msjc.edu |
Aerold Balboa
Aerold Balboa
Academic Technology Services |
abalboa@msjc.edu |
Taylor BaldwinTaylor Baldwin |
Math |
tbaldwin@msjc.edu |
Justin Ballou
Justin Ballou
Academic Technology Services |
jballou@msjc.edu |
Kasandra Balsis
Kasandra Balsis
History |
kbalsis@msjc.edu |
Anthony Baltierra
Anthony Baltierra
Theatre |
abaltierra@msjc.edu |
Jennifer BaneyJennifer Baney |
Communication |
jbaney@msjc.edu |
Diana Barahona
Diana Barahona
Math |
dbarahona@msjc.edu |
Agxibel Barajas-Carrillo
Agxibel Barajas-Carrillo
Law |
acarrillo@msjc.edu |
Angela Barbera
Angela Barbera
Counseling |
abarbera@msjc.edu |
America Barcelo Feldman
America Barcelo Feldman
Foreign Languages |
abarcelofeldman@msjc.edu |
Nicky Barker
Nicky Barker
Anatomy and Physiology |
nbarker@msjc.edu |
Katherine Barnes
Katherine Barnes
Counseling |
kbarnes@msjc.edu |
Bertha Barraza
Bertha Barraza
Counseling |
bbarraza@msjc.edu |
Larry Barraza
Larry Barraza
Business and Management |
lbarraza@msjc.edu |
Trinidad Barreto
Trinidad Barreto
Biological Science |
tbarreto@msjc.edu |
Julia Barrios
Julia Barrios
Library |
jbarrios@msjc.edu |
Bobby Bartel
Bobby Bartel
Maintenance and Operations |
bbartel@msjc.edu |
Meghan Basgall
Meghan Basgall
Student Services |
mbasgall@msjc.edu |
Mark BatongmalaqueMark Batongmalaque |
Art |
mbatongmalaque@msjc.edu |
Michelle Baun
Michelle Baun
Anatomy and Physiology |
mbaun@msjc.edu |
Jorge Bautista
Jorge Bautista
Academic Technology Services |
jbautista@msjc.edu |
Ivana Bean
Ivana Bean
Math |
ibean@msjc.edu |
Douglas Beatty
Douglas Beatty
Accommodation Service Center |
dbeatty@msjc.edu |
Michael BeckhamMichael Beckham |
VP of Business Services |
mbeckham@msjc.edu |
Marilena Beckstrand
Marilena Beckstrand
Math |
mbeckstrand@msjc.edu |
Melissa Bednar
Melissa Bednar
Enrollment Services |
mbednar@msjc.edu |
Aynun Begum
Aynun Begum
Biological Science |
abegum@msjc.edu |
Elna Belay
Elna Belay
Instruction Office |
ebelay@msjc.edu |
Mary Bell
Mary Bell
Stage Craft |
mbell@msjc.edu |
Taylor Bell
Taylor Bell
Athletics |
tbell@msjc.edu |
Matthew Benavides
Matthew Benavides
English |
mbenavides@msjc.edu |
Michael Benitez
Michael Benitez
English |
mbenitez@msjc.edu |
Bill Bennett
Bill Bennett
Computer Information Systems |
bbennett@msjc.edu |
Emma Bennett
Emma Bennett
Math |
ebennett@msjc.edu |
Stacie Bennett
Stacie Bennett
History |
sbennett@msjc.edu |
Pamela Benson
Pamela Benson
Career Education |
pbenson@msjc.edu |
Bil Bergin
Bil Bergin
Computer Information Systems |
bbergin@msjc.edu |
April Bernal
April Bernal
American Sign Language |
abernal@msjc.edu |
Leah Bernardo
Leah Bernardo
Continuing Education |
lbernardo@msjc.edu |
Ralph Berry
Ralph Berry
President's Office |
rberry@msjc.edu |
Thomas Berry
Thomas Berry
Communication |
tberry@msjc.edu |
Tiffany Berry
Tiffany Berry
Art |
tiberry@msjc.edu |
Kiana Bertrand
Kiana Bertrand
Psychology |
kbertrand@msjc.edu |
Keith Beshwate
Keith Beshwate
English |
kbeshwate@msjc.edu |
Thomas Best
Thomas Best
English |
tbest@msjc.edu |
Pallavi Bhatnagar
Pallavi Bhatnagar
Instruction Office |
pbhatnagar@msjc.edu |
Arafiena Bhuiyan
Arafiena Bhuiyan
English |
abhuiyan@msjc.edu |
Matthew Biber
Matthew Biber
History |
mbiber@msjc.edu |
Darnell Bing
Darnell Bing
Interdisciplinary Studies |
dbing@msjc.edu |
Ronald Bingham
Ronald Bingham
Athletics |
rbingham@msjc.edu |
Michael Birmelin
Michael Birmelin
Chemistry |
mbirmelin@msjc.edu |
Luke Bisagna
Luke Bisagna
Multimedia |
lbisagna@msjc.edu |
Sandra Blackman
Sandra Blackman
History |
sblackman@msjc.edu |
Samantha Blake
Samantha Blake
sblake@msjc.edu |
Ted Blake
Ted Blake
English |
tblake@msjc.edu |
Glenn Blanco
Glenn Blanco
Anatomy and Physiology |
gblanco@msjc.edu |
Sean Bliss
Sean Bliss
Music |
sbliss@msjc.edu |
Ronald Blizzard
Ronald Blizzard
Automotive/Transportation Tech |
rblizzard@msjc.edu |
Vance Bloom
Vance Bloom
Automotive/Transportation Tech |
vbloom@msjc.edu |
Myeshia Bobo
Myeshia Bobo
Health Services |
mbobo@msjc.edu |
Michael Borer
Michael Borer
Administration of Justice |
mborer@msjc.edu |
Velma Borrows
Velma Borrows
Health Care |
vborrows@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Borton
Jennifer Borton
Foreign Languages |
jborton@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Boshart
Jennifer Boshart
Biological Science |
jboshart@msjc.edu |
Mia Botkin
Mia Botkin
Health |
mbotkin@msjc.edu |
Ronald Bourbeau
Ronald Bourbeau
Multimedia |
rbourbeau@msjc.edu |
Beth Bowles
Beth Bowles
Outreach |
bbowles@msjc.edu |
Ronald BowmanRonald Bowman |
Business and Management |
rbowman@msjc.edu |
Brenda Boyd
Brenda Boyd
Radiological Technology |
bboyd@msjc.edu |
Bob Bozonelos
Bob Bozonelos
Music |
bbozonelos@msjc.edu |
Michael Bracamontes
Michael Bracamontes
Anatomy and Physiology |
mbracamontes@msjc.edu |
Kevin Bradley
Kevin Bradley
Engineering |
kbradley@msjc.edu |
Cory Brady
Cory Brady
Information Technology |
cbrady@msjc.edu |
Tonya Brady
Tonya Brady
English |
tbrady@msjc.edu |
Joanna Branson
Joanna Branson
English |
jbranson@msjc.edu |
Malika Bratton
Malika Bratton
Communication |
mbratton@msjc.edu |
Aimee Bravo
Aimee Bravo
Foundation |
abravo@msjc.edu |
Erik Bremer
Erik Bremer
Political Science |
ebremer@msjc.edu |
D'Angelo Bridges
D'Angelo Bridges
English |
dbridges@msjc.edu |
Shirley Briggs
Shirley Briggs
Biological Science |
sbriggs@msjc.edu |
Miriam Brijandez
Miriam Brijandez
Continuing Education |
mbrijandez@msjc.edu |
Kellie Brinley
Kellie Brinley
Psychology |
kbrinley@msjc.edu |
Lilia Briones
Lilia Briones
Psychology |
lbriones@msjc.edu |
Nicholas Briseno
Nicholas Briseno
Communication |
nbriseno@msjc.edu |
Yvette Broussard
Yvette Broussard
Payroll |
ybroussard@msjc.edu |
Aysia Brown
Aysia Brown
Sociology |
aybrown@msjc.edu |
Ericka Brown
Ericka Brown
Dance |
ebrown@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Brown
Jennifer Brown
Career Education |
jenbrown@msjc.edu |
Jeremy BrownJeremy Brown |
Instructional Services |
jebrown@msjc.edu |
Jodie Brown
Jodie Brown
English |
jobrown@msjc.edu |
John Brown
John Brown
Athletics |
jbrown@msjc.edu |
Kelvin Brown
Kelvin Brown
Maintenance and Operations |
kbrown@msjc.edu |
Lisa Brown
Lisa Brown
English |
lbrown@msjc.edu |
Crystal Brownell
Crystal Brownell
English |
cbrownell@msjc.edu |
David Brunken
David Brunken
Athletics |
dbrunken@msjc.edu |
Crystal Bryan
Crystal Bryan
English |
cbryan@msjc.edu |
William Bryant
William Bryant
Computer Information Systems |
wbryant@msjc.edu |
Kara Bullman
Kara Bullman
Counseling |
kbullman@msjc.edu |
Cameron Bunton
Cameron Bunton
Instruction Office |
cbunton@msjc.edu |
Mark Burch
Mark Burch
Political Science |
mburch@msjc.edu |
Tonya Burke
Tonya Burke
Career Education |
tburke@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Burleson
Jennifer Burleson
Interdisciplinary Studies |
jburleson@msjc.edu |
Lorrie Burnham
Lorrie Burnham
Biological Science |
lburnham@msjc.edu |
Charles Burse
Charles Burse
Maintenance and Operations |
cburse@msjc.edu |
Deanna Bustamante
Deanna Bustamante
Procurement and General Svcs |
dbustamante@msjc.edu |
Silvia Butcher
Silvia Butcher
Nursing |
sbutcher@msjc.edu |
Anton Butenko
Anton Butenko
Math |
abutenko@msjc.edu |
Maria Caballero
Maria Caballero
Health Services |
mcaballero@msjc.edu |
Suzanne Cacanindin
Suzanne Cacanindin
American Sign Language |
scacanindin@msjc.edu |
Brittney CairnsBrittney Cairns |
English |
bcairns@msjc.edu |
Aileen Calderon
Aileen Calderon
Instructional Support Services |
acalderon@msjc.edu |
Colleen Calderon
Colleen Calderon
Physical Education |
ccalderon@msjc.edu |
Alexis Calderon-Ferrino
Alexis Calderon-Ferrino
Counseling |
aferrino@msjc.edu |
Jim Caldwell
Jim Caldwell
Math |
jcaldwell@msjc.edu |
Trina Cale
Trina Cale
Food Services |
tcale@msjc.edu |
Anthony Calhoun
Anthony Calhoun
Maintenance and Operations |
acalhoun@msjc.edu |
Shauni Calhoun
Shauni Calhoun
Biological Science |
scalhoun@msjc.edu |
Jacob Callahan
Jacob Callahan
Counseling |
jcallahan@msjc.edu |
Alicia Campbell
Alicia Campbell
Accounting |
alcampbell@msjc.edu |
Lisa Campbell
Lisa Campbell
Interdisciplinary Studies |
lcampbell@msjc.edu |
Richard Campos
Richard Campos
Culinary Arts/Food Technology |
ricampos@msjc.edu |
David Candelaria
David Candelaria
Accounting |
dcandelaria@msjc.edu |
Emli Capili
Emli Capili
American Sign Language |
ecapili@msjc.edu |
Michael Caputo
Michael Caputo
Math |
mcaputo@msjc.edu |
Renee Carberry
Renee Carberry
Enrollment Services |
rcarberry@msjc.edu |
Daniel Carlson
Daniel Carlson
Maintenance and Operations |
dacarlson@msjc.edu |
Karrie Carlson
Karrie Carlson
Administration of Justice |
kcarlson@msjc.edu |
Jonathan Carmona
Jonathan Carmona
Emergency Medical Technologies |
jocarmona@msjc.edu |
Justin Carmona
Justin Carmona
Interdisciplinary Studies |
jcarmona@msjc.edu |
Mayela Caro
Mayela Caro
History |
mcaro@msjc.edu |
Vicki Carpenter
Vicki Carpenter
President's Office |
vcarpenter@msjc.edu |
Nancy Carr
Nancy Carr
Continuing Education |
ncarr@msjc.edu |
Kaira Carstens
Kaira Carstens
Anatomy and Physiology |
kcarstens@msjc.edu |
Christine Carter
Christine Carter
Health Services |
ccarter@msjc.edu |
Michaela Casian
Michaela Casian
Nursing Science (clinical) |
mcasian@msjc.edu |
Michelle Casillas
Michelle Casillas
Anatomy and Physiology |
mcasillas@msjc.edu |
Stephanie Cason
Stephanie Cason
Public Information |
scason@msjc.edu |
Christian Castaing
Christian Castaing
Environmental Technologies |
ccastaing@msjc.edu |
Brenda Castelan Gomez
Brenda Castelan Gomez
Cafeteria |
bcastelangomez@msjc.edu |
Victor Castellanos
Victor Castellanos
Computer Science (csis) |
vcastellanos@msjc.edu |
Eddie Casto
Eddie Casto
Campus Safety |
ecasto@msjc.edu |
Chance Castro
Chance Castro
English |
ccastro@msjc.edu |
Emma Castro
Emma Castro
Biological Science |
ecastro@msjc.edu |
Kyle CastroKyle Castro |
Math |
kcastro@msjc.edu |
Liliana Castro
Liliana Castro
Counseling |
licastro@msjc.edu |
Lissette Castro
Lissette Castro
Foreign Languages |
lcastro@msjc.edu |
Teresa Castro
Teresa Castro
Nutritional Science/Dietetics |
tcastro@msjc.edu |
Suria Ceja Vazquez
Suria Ceja Vazquez
Foreign Languages |
scejavazquez@msjc.edu |
Carlos Cerda
Carlos Cerda
Maintenance and Operations |
ccerda@msjc.edu |
Angela Cervantes
Angela Cervantes
Student Success and Suprt Pgm |
acercantes@msjc.edu |
Denise Cervantes
Denise Cervantes
Athletics |
dcervantes@msjc.edu |
Jessica Cervantes
Jessica Cervantes
Accommodation Service Center |
jcervantes@msjc.edu |
Diana Cescolini
Diana Cescolini
Business and Management |
dcescolini@msjc.edu |
Natalie Chacon
Natalie Chacon
Financial Aid |
nchacon@msjc.edu |
Diana Chacon Perez
Diana Chacon Perez
Veteran's Services |
dchacon@msjc.edu |
Cinthya Chairez
Cinthya Chairez
Chemistry |
cchairez@msjc.edu |
Nikia Chaney
Nikia Chaney
English |
nchaney@msjc.edu |
Joana Chavez
Joana Chavez
Chicano Studies |
jochavez@msjc.edu |
Jose Chavez
Jose Chavez
Maintenance and Operations |
jchavez@msjc.edu |
Alicia Chavira
Alicia Chavira
Learning Skills Program (lnsk) |
achavira@msjc.edu |
Frankee Chavoya
Frankee Chavoya
Counseling |
fchavoya@msjc.edu |
Michelle Check
Michelle Check
Political Science |
mcheck@msjc.edu |
Jhosie Cheeks
Jhosie Cheeks
Culinary Arts/Food Technology |
jcheeks@msjc.edu |
Maryline Chemama
Maryline Chemama
Chemistry |
mchemama@msjc.edu |
Hsu-Chia Chen
Hsu-Chia Chen
Math |
hchen@msjc.edu |
Raquel Childs
Raquel Childs
Learning Resource Center |
rchilds@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Ching-Lee
Cynthia Ching-Lee
Enrollment Services |
cching@msjc.edu |
Juan Chiquito Luna
Juan Chiquito Luna
Library |
jchiquitoluna@msjc.edu |
Hong Choi
Hong Choi
Math |
hchoi@msjc.edu |
Pui Choi
Pui Choi
Athletics |
puchoi@msjc.edu |
Randall Christianson
Randall Christianson
Administration of Justice |
rchristianson@msjc.edu |
Romy Christov
Romy Christov
GIS/Geography |
rchristov@msjc.edu |
Daniel Cicala
Daniel Cicala
Math |
dcicala@msjc.edu |
Jacey Cicerone
Jacey Cicerone
Human Resources |
jcicerone@msjc.edu |
Kristen Clark
Kristen Clark
Theatre |
kclark@msjc.edu |
Livier Clark
Livier Clark
Psychology |
lclark@msjc.edu |
Joanna Clevenger
Joanna Clevenger
English |
jclevenger@msjc.edu |
Lota CobbLota Cobb |
Learning Skills Program (lnsk) |
lcobb@msjc.edu |
Matt Cofer
Matt Cofer
English |
mcofer@msjc.edu |
Carol Coffin
Carol Coffin
English |
ccoffin@msjc.edu |
Rodgir Cohen
Rodgir Cohen
Political Science |
rcohen@msjc.edu |
Bernardo Colcol
Bernardo Colcol
Accommodation Service Center |
bcolcol@msjc.edu |
James Cole
James Cole
Administration of Justice |
jcole@msjc.edu |
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
English |
rcoleman@msjc.edu |
Leslie Colern-Mulz
Leslie Colern-Mulz
English |
lmulz@msjc.edu |
Emily Collins
Emily Collins
Music |
ecollins@msjc.edu |
Stevie Collins
Stevie Collins
American Sign Language |
scollins@msjc.edu |
John Conley
John Conley
GIS/Geography |
jconley@msjc.edu |
Kathleen Conner
Kathleen Conner
Instruction Office |
kconner@msjc.edu |
Carrie Consalvi
Carrie Consalvi
Distance Education |
cconsalvi@msjc.edu |
Veronica Contreras
Veronica Contreras
Human Resources |
vcontreras@msjc.edu |
Dana Coogan
Dana Coogan
English |
dcoogan@msjc.edu |
Natalie Cook
Natalie Cook
English |
ncook@msjc.edu |
Robert Cook
Robert Cook
History |
rcook@msjc.edu |
Kayla Cooper-Fabian
Kayla Cooper-Fabian
Biological Science |
kcooper@msjc.edu |
Janette Cordoza
Janette Cordoza
Business and Management |
jcordoza@msjc.edu |
Kendra Coromandel
Kendra Coromandel
Child Care Center |
kcoromandel@msjc.edu |
Noel Coronel
Noel Coronel
Foreign Languages |
ncoronel@msjc.edu |
Richard Corral
Richard Corral
Art |
rcorral@msjc.edu |
Elizabeth Correia-Jordan
Elizabeth Correia-Jordan
Foreign Languages |
ecorreia@msjc.edu |
September Cortes
September Cortes
Nursing |
scortes@msjc.edu |
Timothy Cortina
Timothy Cortina
English |
tcortina@msjc.edu |
Kenneth Cotich
Kenneth Cotich
Music |
kcotich@msjc.edu |
Krystin Cowan
Krystin Cowan
Music |
kcowan@msjc.edu |
Ashley Coyne
Ashley Coyne
Library |
acoyne@msjc.edu |
Christian Craddock
Christian Craddock
Anatomy and Physiology |
ccraddock@msjc.edu |
Evan Craft
Evan Craft
Chemistry |
ecraft@msjc.edu |
Joseph CramerJoseph Cramer |
Art |
jcramer@msjc.edu |
Karen Cranney
Karen Cranney
Interdisciplinary Studies |
kcranney@msjc.edu |
James Creel
James Creel
English |
jcreel@msjc.edu |
Katilynne Croom
Katilynne Croom
Anatomy and Physiology |
kcroom@msjc.edu |
Jolie Crosthwaite-Vanschoik
Jolie Crosthwaite-Vanschoik
jvanschoik@msjc.edu |
Helena Cruz
Helena Cruz
Matric & Outreach/Assessment |
hcruz@msjc.edu |
Itzel Cruz
Itzel Cruz
Financial Aid |
icruz@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Cruz
Jennifer Cruz
English |
jcruz@msjc.edu |
Francisca Cruz Barajas
Francisca Cruz Barajas
fbarajas@msjc.edu |
Maria Elena Cruz Suarez
Maria Elena Cruz Suarez
Maintenance and Operations |
mcruzsuarez@msjc.edu |
Michael Cryder
Michael Cryder
Anatomy and Physiology |
mcryder@msjc.edu |
Alina Cuellar
Alina Cuellar
Financial Aid |
acuellar@msjc.edu |
Carolyn Cullen
Carolyn Cullen
Counseling Services |
ccullen@msjc.edu |
Shanna Cullen-Carroll
Shanna Cullen-Carroll
Psychology |
scarroll@msjc.edu |
Stephanie Culver
Stephanie Culver
Culinary Arts/Food Technology |
sculver@msjc.edu |
Sean Cummings
Sean Cummings
Nursing |
scummings@msjc.edu |
Tamara Cummings
Tamara Cummings
Economics |
tcummings@msjc.edu |
Caryn Curran
Caryn Curran
Foreign Languages |
ccurran@msjc.edu |
Michelle Dalrymple
Michelle Dalrymple
English |
mdalrymple@msjc.edu |
Cao Nguyen Dang
Cao Nguyen Dang
Math |
cdang@msjc.edu |
Jakayla Daniels
Jakayla Daniels
Sociology |
jadaniels@msjc.edu |
Sarah Daugherty
Sarah Daugherty
English |
sdaugherty@msjc.edu |
Sterling Davenport
Sterling Davenport
Continuing Education |
sdavenport@msjc.edu |
Brandon Davis
Brandon Davis
History |
badavis@msjc.edu |
David Davis
David Davis
English |
ddavis@msjc.edu |
Jared Davis
Jared Davis
Student Services |
jadavis@msjc.edu |
Suzanne Davis
Suzanne Davis
Culinary Arts/Food Technology |
sdavis@msjc.edu |
Imagine Davis-Ward
Imagine Davis-Ward
Biological Science |
iward@msjc.edu |
Craig Day
Craig Day
Anatomy and Physiology |
cday@msjc.edu |
Jorge De la Cruz
Jorge De la Cruz
Campus Safety |
jodelacruz@msjc.edu |
Steven Del Castillo
Steven Del Castillo
Campus Safety |
sdelcastillo@msjc.edu |
Lisa Del Pizzo
Lisa Del Pizzo
English |
ldelpizzo@msjc.edu |
Diana Demarco
Diana Demarco
ddemarco@msjc.edu |
Gypsiana Denison
Gypsiana Denison
Biological Science |
gdenison@msjc.edu |
Liz Derrington
Liz Derrington
English |
lderrington@msjc.edu |
Cheryl Devenney
Cheryl Devenney
Library |
cdevenney@msjc.edu |
Steven deWalden
Steven deWalden
Communication |
sdewalden@msjc.edu |
Edward Diaz
Edward Diaz
Nutritional Science/Dietetics |
ediaz@msjc.edu |
Karla Diaz
Karla Diaz
Foreign Languages |
kdiaz@msjc.edu |
Timothy Diaz
Timothy Diaz
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
tdiaz@msjc.edu |
Kenneth Dickson
Kenneth Dickson
Law |
kdickson@msjc.edu |
Mary Lou Dillard
Mary Lou Dillard
Counseling |
mdillard@msjc.edu |
Zachary Dilley
Zachary Dilley
Athletics |
zdilley@msjc.edu |
Kathryn DillonKathryn Dillon |
Art |
kdillon@msjc.edu |
Jason Dixon
Jason Dixon
Athletics |
jdixon@msjc.edu |
Glenda Dixson
Glenda Dixson
gdixson@msjc.edu |
Tatyana Dmitriyeva
Tatyana Dmitriyeva
Business Services |
tdmitriyeva@msjc.edu |
Andrew Do
Andrew Do
Nursing Science (clinical) |
ado@msjc.edu |
Anne Dobbs
Anne Dobbs
English |
adobbs@msjc.edu |
Eileen DoktorskiEileen Doktorski |
Art |
edoktorski@msjc.edu |
Mandie Domenigoni
Mandie Domenigoni
Food Services |
mhornback@msjc.edu |
Leo Dominguez
Leo Dominguez
Maintenance and Operations |
ledominguez@msjc.edu |
Lorena Dominguez
Lorena Dominguez
Counseling |
ldominguez@msjc.edu |
Michael Donaldson
Michael Donaldson
Political Science |
mdonaldson@msjc.edu |
Marc Donnhauser
Marc Donnhauser
Instructional Services |
mdonnhauser@msjc.edu |
Thomas Donovan
Thomas Donovan
Philosophy |
tdonovan@msjc.edu |
Thomas Donovan
Thomas Donovan
History |
thdonovan@msjc.edu |
Patrick Dooley
Patrick Dooley
Career Education |
pdooley@msjc.edu |
Karen Douglas
Karen Douglas
Math |
kdouglas@msjc.edu |
Shelli Douglass
Shelli Douglass
Sociology |
sdouglass@msjc.edu |
Regina Downen
Regina Downen
Communication |
rvega@msjc.edu |
Aimee Downer
Aimee Downer
English |
adowner@msjc.edu |
Alyssa Drake
Alyssa Drake
Communication |
adrake@msjc.edu |
Marni Druck
Marni Druck
History |
mdruck@msjc.edu |
Angela Drumm
Angela Drumm
Career Education |
adrumm@msjc.edu |
Carlos Drumond
Carlos Drumond
Spanish (see World Languages) |
cdrumond@msjc.edu |
Anna Duckett
Anna Duckett
Information Technology |
aduckett@msjc.edu |
Dwight Duffie
Dwight Duffie
Computer Information Systems |
dduffie@msjc.edu |
Aman Duggal
Aman Duggal
Chemistry |
aduggal@msjc.edu |
Constance Duncan Moses
Constance Duncan Moses
Nursing Science (clinical) |
cmoses@msjc.edu |
Joselita Dunn
Joselita Dunn
Continuing Education |
jdunn@msjc.edu |
Phuoc Duong
Phuoc Duong
Anthropology |
pduong@msjc.edu |
Kenneth Dupre
Kenneth Dupre
Procurement and General Svcs |
kdupre@msjc.edu |
Arthur Durbin
Arthur Durbin
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
adurbin@msjc.edu |
Rachael Dzikonski
Rachael Dzikonski
Art |
rdzikonski@msjc.edu |
Serinna Eason
Serinna Eason
Athletics |
season@msjc.edu |
Monica Eastridge
Monica Eastridge
Art |
meastridge@msjc.edu |
Natalie Eaton
Natalie Eaton
Accommodation Service Center |
neaton@msjc.edu |
Eric Eck
Eric Eck
Philosophy |
eeck@msjc.edu |
Chris Eddy
Chris Eddy
Campus Safety |
ceddy@msjc.edu |
Hal Edghill
Hal Edghill
Career Education |
hedghill@msjc.edu |
David Edlefsen
David Edlefsen
Political Science |
dedlefsen@msjc.edu |
Larry Edmundson
Larry Edmundson
Communication |
ledmundson@msjc.edu |
Justin Edwards
Justin Edwards
Physical Sciences |
jedwards@msjc.edu |
Timothy Edwards
Timothy Edwards
Philosophy |
tedwards@msjc.edu |
Julie Edwards-Matanga
Julie Edwards-Matanga
Music |
jmatanga@msjc.edu |
Ekanayake Ekanayake
Ekanayake Ekanayake
Chemistry |
eekanayake@msjc.edu |
Michelle Elliott
Michelle Elliott
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
melliott@msjc.edu |
Denise Ellis
Denise Ellis
Human Resources |
dellis@msjc.edu |
Victoria Emerick
Victoria Emerick
Communication |
vemerick@msjc.edu |
Cheryl Emery
Cheryl Emery
History |
cemery@msjc.edu |
Amy Erbeck
Amy Erbeck
Accommodation Service Center |
aerbeck@msjc.edu |
Gloria Escalante
Gloria Escalante
Facil Plan and Capital Outlay |
gescalante@msjc.edu |
Elias Escamilla
Elias Escamilla
Counseling |
eescamilla@msjc.edu |
Steven Escobar
Steven Escobar
Counseling |
sescobar@msjc.edu |
Janella Eshiet
Janella Eshiet
Communication |
jeshiet@msjc.edu |
Wally Esoy
Wally Esoy
Nursing |
wesoy@msjc.edu |
Emanuel Esparza
Emanuel Esparza
Music |
eesparza@msjc.edu |
Gilbert Espinoza
Gilbert Espinoza
Psychology |
gespinoza@msjc.edu |
Nelida Espinoza
Nelida Espinoza
Continuing Education |
nespinoza@msjc.edu |
Guil Patrick Espiritu
Guil Patrick Espiritu
Campus Safety |
gespiritu@msjc.edu |
Danny Estrada
Danny Estrada
Maintenance and Operations |
destrada@msjc.edu |
Lindsay Estrada
Lindsay Estrada
Nutritional Science/Dietetics |
lestrada@msjc.edu |
Janet Evans
Janet Evans
Counseling |
jevans@msjc.edu |
Katlin Evans
Katlin Evans
Art |
kevans@msjc.edu |
Shelley Excell Wertman
Shelley Excell Wertman
Academic Technology Services |
swertman@msjc.edu |
Alyssa Ezrre
Alyssa Ezrre
Career Education |
aezrre@msjc.edu |
Delexstine Faison
Delexstine Faison
Sociology |
dfaison@msjc.edu |
Joseph Farago-Spencer
Joseph Farago-Spencer
English |
jspencer@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Farned
Jennifer Farned
Art |
jfarned@msjc.edu |
Betty Farr
Betty Farr
Library |
bfarr@msjc.edu |
William FarrarWilliam Farrar |
Administration of Justice |
wfarrar@msjc.edu |
Israel Farrington
Israel Farrington
Athletics |
ifarrington@msjc.edu |
Steven Favero
Steven Favero
Administration of Justice |
sfavero@msjc.edu |
Tracie Fearing
Tracie Fearing
Art |
tfearing@msjc.edu |
Shartelle Fears
Shartelle Fears
Counseling |
sfears@msjc.edu |
Angela Feeler
Angela Feeler
Nursing Science (clinical) |
afeeler@msjc.edu |
Sofia Feliciano
Sofia Feliciano
Nursing Science (clinical) |
sfeliciano@msjc.edu |
Robin Felix
Robin Felix
Dance |
rfelix@msjc.edu |
Holly Fernandez
Holly Fernandez
Esl/Tesol |
hfernandez@msjc.edu |
Juno Fernandez Stevens
Juno Fernandez Stevens
Human Resources |
jfernandezstevens@msjc.edu |
Staci Ferris
Staci Ferris
Information Technology |
sferris@msjc.edu |
Kristina Filippi
Kristina Filippi
Wine Industry and Technology |
kfilippi@msjc.edu |
Richard Fina
Richard Fina
Information Technology |
rfina@msjc.edu |
Christie Firtha
Christie Firtha
English |
cfirtha@msjc.edu |
Farah Firtha
Farah Firtha
Chemistry |
ffirtha@msjc.edu |
Genesis Fitzgerald
Genesis Fitzgerald
Health Services |
gfitzgerald@msjc.edu |
Christopher Fleischman
Christopher Fleischman
English |
cfleischman@msjc.edu |
Michael FlemingMichael Fleming |
Communication |
mfleming@msjc.edu |
Armando Flores
Armando Flores
Maintenance and Operations |
aflores@msjc.edu |
Pamela Flory Sanchez
Pamela Flory Sanchez
English |
pflorysanchez@msjc.edu |
Yula Flournoy
Yula Flournoy
English |
yflournoy@msjc.edu |
Alejandro Fonseca
Alejandro Fonseca
Athletics |
afonseca@msjc.edu |
Pamela Ford
Pamela Ford
Anthropology |
pford@msjc.edu |
Kaitie Forrest
Kaitie Forrest
History |
kforrest@msjc.edu |
Russell Forsee
Russell Forsee
Biological Science |
rforsee@msjc.edu |
Lourena Fortner
Lourena Fortner
Accommodation Service Center |
lfortner@msjc.edu |
Christopher Fossmo
Christopher Fossmo
Music |
cfossmo@msjc.edu |
Barbara Fountain
Barbara Fountain
Enrollment Services |
bfountain@msjc.edu |
Philip Fournier
Philip Fournier
Continuing Education |
pfournier@msjc.edu |
Monica Fox
Monica Fox
English |
mfox@msjc.edu |
Tracy Francis
Tracy Francis
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
tfrancis@msjc.edu |
David Franco
David Franco
Procurement and General Svcs |
dfranco@msjc.edu |
Ryan Franco
Ryan Franco
Maintenance and Operations |
rfranco@msjc.edu |
Todd Franco
Todd Franco
Facil Plan and Capital Outlay |
tfranco@msjc.edu |
Anya Franklin
Anya Franklin
Library |
afranklin@msjc.edu |
Franklin Fravel
Franklin Fravel
Interdisciplinary Studies |
ffravel@msjc.edu |
Christine Frazier
Christine Frazier
Instruction Office |
cfrazier@msjc.edu |
Vanessa Frazier
Vanessa Frazier
Health Services |
vafrazier@msjc.edu |
Julie FreemanJulie Freeman |
Dance |
jfreeman@msjc.edu |
Christina Frey
Christina Frey
Veteran's Services |
cfrey@msjc.edu |
Matthew Frey
Matthew Frey
Math |
mfrey@msjc.edu |
Pedro Fuentes Rivera
Pedro Fuentes Rivera
Foreign Languages |
pfuentesrivera@msjc.edu |
Bernadette Furr
Bernadette Furr
Financial Aid |
bfurr@msjc.edu |
John Gagnepain
John Gagnepain
Athletics |
jgagnepain@msjc.edu |
Mario Galaviz
Mario Galaviz
Health Services |
mgalaviz@msjc.edu |
Lenore Gallucci-Stevenson
Lenore Gallucci-Stevenson
English |
lstevenson@msjc.edu |
Mariella Garay
Mariella Garay
Foreign Languages |
mgaray@msjc.edu |
Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia
Maintenance and Operations |
angarcia@msjc.edu |
Cheyla Garcia
Cheyla Garcia
chgarcia@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Garcia
Cynthia Garcia
Counseling |
cgarcia@msjc.edu |
Eric Garcia
Eric Garcia
Financial Aid |
ergarcia@msjc.edu |
Ermelinda Garcia
Ermelinda Garcia
Enrollment Services |
lgarcia@msjc.edu |
Jonathan Garcia
Jonathan Garcia
Campus Safety |
jogarcia@msjc.edu |
Karla Garcia
Karla Garcia
Student Life & Development |
kgarcia@msjc.edu |
Nicholas Garcia
Nicholas Garcia
Nursing |
ngarcia@msjc.edu |
Ryan Garcia
Ryan Garcia
English |
rygarcia@msjc.edu |
Blanca Garcia Barron
Blanca Garcia Barron
Library |
bgarciabarron@msjc.edu |
Miguel Garcia-Bonilla
Miguel Garcia-Bonilla
Biological Science |
mbonilla@msjc.edu |
Eric Garcia Guadarrama
Eric Garcia Guadarrama
Maintenance and Operations |
egarciaguadarrama@msjc.edu |
Luis Garcia Tarango
Luis Garcia Tarango
Maintenance and Operations |
lugarcia@msjc.edu |
Misti Gardner
Misti Gardner
Nursing Science (clinical) |
mgardner@msjc.edu |
Wendy Gardner
Wendy Gardner
Economics |
wgardner@msjc.edu |
Jackie Garner
Jackie Garner
Continuing Education |
jgarner@msjc.edu |
Maria Garza
Maria Garza
Nursing Science (clinical) |
mgarza@msjc.edu |
Josolyn Gauldenhill
Josolyn Gauldenhill
Business and Management |
jgauldenhill@msjc.edu |
Herminia Gaxiola
Herminia Gaxiola
Math |
hgaxiola@msjc.edu |
Elizabeth George
Elizabeth George
Accommodation Service Center |
egeorge@msjc.edu |
Jeffrey George
Jeffrey George
Theatre |
jgeorge@msjc.edu |
Susan Giacalone
Susan Giacalone
Art |
sgiacalone@msjc.edu |
Ana Gianni
Ana Gianni
Health Services |
agianni@msjc.edu |
Rosaleen Gibbons
Rosaleen Gibbons
Chemistry |
rgibbons@msjc.edu |
Laura Gibson
Laura Gibson
Nursing |
lgibson@msjc.edu |
Natasha Gieg
Natasha Gieg
Accounting |
ngieg@msjc.edu |
Giselle Gil
Giselle Gil
Human Resources |
ggil@msjc.edu |
Kathy Gil
Kathy Gil
kgil@msjc.edu |
Harminder Gill
Harminder Gill
Chemistry |
hgill@msjc.edu |
Cristina Gillette
Cristina Gillette
cgillette@msjc.edu |
Richard Gingras Jr
Richard Gingras Jr
Athletics |
rgingras@msjc.edu |
John Gist
John Gist
Sociology |
jgist@msjc.edu |
Mary Glasgow
Mary Glasgow
Accommodation Service Center |
mglasgow@msjc.edu |
Richard Glauser
Richard Glauser
Computer Information Systems |
rglauser@msjc.edu |
Chet GlazeChet Glaze |
Art |
cglaze@msjc.edu |
Debra Gleason
Debra Gleason
Counseling |
dgleason@msjc.edu |
Meredith Goebel
Meredith Goebel
Enrollment Services |
mgoebel@msjc.edu |
Erica Gomez
Erica Gomez
Human Resources |
egomez@msjc.edu |
Genoveva Gomez
Genoveva Gomez
ggomez@msjc.edu |
Leticia Gomez
Leticia Gomez
Nursing |
lgomez@msjc.edu |
Mayra Gomez
Mayra Gomez
Distance Education |
mgomezuribe@msjc.edu |
rachel Gomez
rachel Gomez
Learning Resource Center |
rgomez@msjc.edu |
Laurence Gonzaga
Laurence Gonzaga
lgonzaga@msjc.edu |
Citlali Gonzales
Citlali Gonzales
Student Services |
cgonzales@msjc.edu |
Kristen Gonzales
Kristen Gonzales
Political Science |
khuyck@msjc.edu |
Ramona Gonzales
Ramona Gonzales
Biological Science |
rgonzales@msjc.edu |
Alicia Gonzalez
Alicia Gonzalez
Chemistry |
agonzalez@msjc.edu |
Christian Gonzalez
Christian Gonzalez
Business and Management |
cgonzalez@msjc.edu |
Cristal Gonzalez
Cristal Gonzalez
Math |
crgonzalez@msjc.edu |
Ernesto Gonzalez
Ernesto Gonzalez
Instruction Office |
egonzalez@msjc.edu |
Juan Gonzalez
Juan Gonzalez
Geospatial Information Science |
jgonzalez@msjc.edu |
Kristin Gonzalez
Kristin Gonzalez
Human Resources |
kgonzalez@msjc.edu |
Lupe Gonzalez
Lupe Gonzalez
Enrollment Services |
lgonzalez@msjc.edu |
Monica Gonzalez
Monica Gonzalez
Foreign Languages |
mgonzalez@msjc.edu |
Michael (Mike) Good
Michael (Mike) Good
Art |
mgood@msjc.edu |
Jayme Goodner
Jayme Goodner
Nursing |
jgoodner@msjc.edu |
Daniel Gotz
Daniel Gotz
Music |
dgotz@msjc.edu |
Pierre Goueth
Pierre Goueth
Chemistry |
pgoueth@msjc.edu |
Jeff Gow
Jeff Gow
Engineering |
jgow@msjc.edu |
Kelly Granche
Kelly Granche
Nutritional Science/Dietetics |
kgranche@msjc.edu |
Glenn Grant
Glenn Grant
Multimedia |
ggrant@msjc.edu |
Damien Greathouse
Damien Greathouse
Academic Technology Services |
dgreathouse@msjc.edu |
Ansina Green
Ansina Green
agreen@msjc.edu |
Danny Green
Danny Green
Maintenance and Operations |
dgreen@msjc.edu |
John Green
John Green
Philosophy |
jogreen@msjc.edu |
Laurie Green
Laurie Green
Nursing |
lgreen@msjc.edu |
Terrance Green
Terrance Green
Career Education |
tgreen@msjc.edu |
Daniel Greenberg
Daniel Greenberg
Music |
dgreenberg@msjc.edu |
Melissa Greenwood
Melissa Greenwood
Counseling |
mgreenwood@msjc.edu |
Robert Gregor
Robert Gregor
History |
rgregor@msjc.edu |
Tricia Gribbin
Tricia Gribbin
Biological Science |
tgribbin@msjc.edu |
Tamara Griffey
Tamara Griffey
Stage Craft |
tgriffey@msjc.edu |
Ryan Griffin
Ryan Griffin
Fire Technolgy |
rgriffin@msjc.edu |
Dustin Grindstaff
Dustin Grindstaff
Math |
dgrindstaff@msjc.edu |
Kimberly Groeniger
Kimberly Groeniger
Anatomy and Physiology |
kgroeniger@msjc.edu |
Cory Groomer
Cory Groomer
Campus Safety |
cgroomer@msjc.edu |
Emily Gross
Emily Gross
Art |
egross@msjc.edu |
Jose Guerrero
Jose Guerrero
Chemistry |
jguerrero@msjc.edu |
Anthony Guetterman
Anthony Guetterman
Accommodation Service Center |
aguetterman@msjc.edu |
Andrew Guevara
Andrew Guevara
English |
aguevara@msjc.edu |
Nisha Guha
Nisha Guha
Chemistry |
nguha@msjc.edu |
Cecilia Gutierrez
Cecilia Gutierrez
Communication |
cegutierrez@msjc.edu |
Claudia Gutierrez
Claudia Gutierrez
Counseling |
cgutierrez@msjc.edu |
Fernando Gutierrez
Fernando Gutierrez
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
fgutierrez@msjc.edu |
Mayra Gutierrez
Mayra Gutierrez
Payroll |
mgutierrez@msjc.edu |
Ching-Jung GuuChing-Jung Guu |
Math |
cguu@msjc.edu |
Elizabeth Guzman
Elizabeth Guzman
Foreign Languages |
eguzman@msjc.edu |
Hector Guzman Orozco
Hector Guzman Orozco
Philosophy |
hguzmanorozco@msjc.edu |
David Haddad
David Haddad
Academic Technology Services |
dhaddad@msjc.edu |
Krista Hahn
Krista Hahn
Biological Science |
khahn@msjc.edu |
David Haisten
David Haisten
Biological Science |
dhaisten@msjc.edu |
Kimberlee Haldeman
Kimberlee Haldeman
Accounting |
khaldeman@msjc.edu |
Marnie Hall
Marnie Hall
Anatomy and Physiology |
marhall@msjc.edu |
Marvin Hall
Marvin Hall
Sociology |
mahall@msjc.edu |
Truc HaMai
Truc HaMai
Psychology |
thamai@msjc.edu |
Kristin Hamilton
Kristin Hamilton
Environmental Technologies |
khamilton@msjc.edu |
Michael Hamilton
Michael Hamilton
Biological Science |
mhamilton@msjc.edu |
Willie Hamilton
Willie Hamilton
Political Science |
whamilto@msjc.edu |
Andrea Hammock
Andrea Hammock
Reading |
ahammock@msjc.edu |
Stephen Hamrick
Stephen Hamrick
Engineering |
shamrick@msjc.edu |
Mark Hamza
Mark Hamza
Chemistry |
mhamza@msjc.edu |
Steven Han
Steven Han
Chemistry |
shan@msjc.edu |
Britney Haney
Britney Haney
Athletics |
brhaney@msjc.edu |
Jacob Hansen
Jacob Hansen
Athletics |
jhansen@msjc.edu |
Keith Hanz
Keith Hanz
Photography |
khanz@msjc.edu |
Dean Hardin
Dean Hardin
Administration of Justice |
dhardin@msjc.edu |
Alika Harmon
Alika Harmon
English |
aharmon@msjc.edu |
Lacey Harmon
Lacey Harmon
Math |
lharmon@msjc.edu |
Kellie Harnit
Kellie Harnit
Accommodation Service Center |
kharnit@msjc.edu |
Michelle Harper
Michelle Harper
mharper@msjc.edu |
Stanley Harriman
Stanley Harriman
Aviation |
sharriman@msjc.edu |
Joshua Hartman
Joshua Hartman
Chemistry |
jhartman@msjc.edu |
Sarah Hartman
Sarah Hartman
History |
shartman@msjc.edu |
Marilyn Harvey
Marilyn Harvey
Career Education |
mharvey@msjc.edu |
Tamara Harvey
Tamara Harvey
Accommodation Service Center |
taharvey@msjc.edu |
Eric Hass
Eric Hass
Sociology |
ehass@msjc.edu |
Thomas Hauser
Thomas Hauser
American Sign Language |
thauser@msjc.edu |
Shonia Hayes
Shonia Hayes
Chemistry |
shayes@msjc.edu |
Carolyn Hays
Carolyn Hays
Business and Management |
chays@msjc.edu |
Victoria Hayward
Victoria Hayward
Nursing |
vhayward@msjc.edu |
Derek Heid
Derek Heid
English |
dheid@msjc.edu |
Belinda Heiden Scott
Belinda Heiden Scott
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
bscott@msjc.edu |
Dewey Heinsma
Dewey Heinsma
Economics |
dheinsma@msjc.edu |
Del Helms
Del Helms
Health |
dhelms@msjc.edu |
Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson
Biological Science |
rhenderson@msjc.edu |
Paul Hendry
Paul Hendry
English |
phendry@msjc.edu |
Caren HennessyCaren Hennessy |
Business and Management |
chennessy@msjc.edu |
Sean Henry
Sean Henry
English |
shenry@msjc.edu |
Gregg Hepner
Gregg Hepner
Athletics |
ghepner@msjc.edu |
Jaimi Heptinstall
Jaimi Heptinstall
English |
jheptinstall@msjc.edu |
Nora Heredia
Nora Heredia
Math |
nheredia@msjc.edu |
Alexia Hernandez
Alexia Hernandez
Information Technology |
alhernandez@msjc.edu |
David Hernandez
David Hernandez
Computer Information Systems |
dhernandez@msjc.edu |
Eric Hernandez
Eric Hernandez
Administration of Justice |
ehernandez@msjc.edu |
Jorge Hernandez
Jorge Hernandez
Foreign Languages |
jcalderon@msjc.edu |
Joseph Hernandez
Joseph Hernandez
English |
jhernandez@msjc.edu |
Maria Hernandez
Maria Hernandez
Accounting |
mhernandez@msjc.edu |
Marlon Hernandez
Marlon Hernandez
Continuing Education |
mahernandez@msjc.edu |
Marbella Hernandez Bernal
Marbella Hernandez Bernal
Biological Science |
mhernandezbernal@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Hernandez-Lopez
Cynthia Hernandez-Lopez
Information Technology |
cylopez@msjc.edu |
Roberto Hernandez-Ordaz
Roberto Hernandez-Ordaz
Maintenance and Operations |
rordaz@msjc.edu |
Adrian Herrera
Adrian Herrera
Maintenance and Operations |
aherrera@msjc.edu |
J Herrera
J Herrera
Foreign Languages |
jherreracastro@msjc.edu |
Rogelio Herrera
Rogelio Herrera
Counseling |
rherrera@msjc.edu |
Diana Herrera Gil
Diana Herrera Gil
Math |
dherreragil@msjc.edu |
Paul Hert
Paul Hert
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
phert@msjc.edu |
Tracy Herzog
Tracy Herzog
Psychology |
therzog@msjc.edu |
John Hess
John Hess
Multimedia |
jhess@msjc.edu |
Shaun Hess
Shaun Hess
Drafting/Cadd |
shess@msjc.edu |
Tony Hickman
Tony Hickman
English |
rhickman@msjc.edu |
Connie Hill
Connie Hill
Learning Resource Center |
chill@msjc.edu |
Rodnesha Hill
Rodnesha Hill
Career Education |
rohill@msjc.edu |
Tyler Hills
Tyler Hills
Health Services |
thills@msjc.edu |
Vanesse Hiten
Vanesse Hiten
History |
vhiten@msjc.edu |
Jason Hlebakos
Jason Hlebakos
Biological Science |
jhlebakos@msjc.edu |
Dziem Hoang
Dziem Hoang
Financial Aid |
dhoang@msjc.edu |
Susan Hochstrat
Susan Hochstrat
Interdisciplinary Studies |
shochstrat@msjc.edu |
Anita Hock
Anita Hock
Biological Science |
ahock@msjc.edu |
Cheri Hodge
Cheri Hodge
Instructional Services |
chodge@msjc.edu |
Andrew Hoe
Andrew Hoe
English |
ahoe@msjc.edu |
James Holden
James Holden
Physical Education |
jholden@msjc.edu |
Rachel Holdt
Rachel Holdt
Dance |
rholdt@msjc.edu |
Robert Holman
Robert Holman
Information Technology |
rholman@msjc.edu |
Sarah Holod-Andrew
Sarah Holod-Andrew
American Sign Language |
sandrew@msjc.edu |
Tiffany Holyoak
Tiffany Holyoak
Anatomy and Physiology |
tholyoak@msjc.edu |
Morgan Hoodenpyle
Morgan Hoodenpyle
History |
mhoodenpyle@msjc.edu |
Todd Hoover
Todd Hoover
President's Office |
thoover@msjc.edu |
Pamela Hop
Pamela Hop
Accounting |
phop@msjc.edu |
Mary Hornsey
Mary Hornsey
Anthropology |
mhornsey@msjc.edu |
Hillary Houseman
Hillary Houseman
Anatomy and Physiology |
hhouseman@msjc.edu |
Reginal Howard
Reginal Howard
Athletics |
rehoward@msjc.edu |
Ray Howerton
Ray Howerton
Athletics |
rhowerton@msjc.edu |
William Howlett
William Howlett
Maintenance and Operations |
whowlett@msjc.edu |
Marcy Huerta
Marcy Huerta
Human Resources |
mhuerta@msjc.edu |
Derek Hughes
Derek Hughes
Academic Technology Services |
dhughes@msjc.edu |
Jenny Hughes
Jenny Hughes
Career Education |
jhughes@msjc.edu |
Marcia Hughes
Marcia Hughes
English |
mahughes@msjc.edu |
Samuel Hughes
Samuel Hughes
Philosophy |
shughes@msjc.edu |
Richard Hunter
Richard Hunter
Maintenance and Operations |
rhunter@msjc.edu |
Melissa Hurt
Melissa Hurt
English |
mhurt@msjc.edu |
Christopher Hurtado
Christopher Hurtado
Procurement and General Svcs |
churtado@msjc.edu |
Edward Hurtado
Edward Hurtado
Athletics |
ehurtado@msjc.edu |
Saul Hurtado Guzman
Saul Hurtado Guzman
Maintenance and Operations |
shurtadoguzman@msjc.edu |
Eugene Hwang
Eugene Hwang
Math |
ehwang@msjc.edu |
Kimberly Hyde
Kimberly Hyde
English |
khyde@msjc.edu |
Dulce Ibarra
Dulce Ibarra
Art |
dibarra@msjc.edu |
Maria Iniguez
Maria Iniguez
Health Services |
mainiguez@msjc.edu |
Alysse Itatani
Alysse Itatani
Business Services |
aitatani@msjc.edu |
Ron Ito
Ron Ito
Math |
rito@msjc.edu |
James Ivey
James Ivey
Anatomy and Physiology |
jivey@msjc.edu |
Carla Jackson
Carla Jackson
Human Resources |
cjackson@msjc.edu |
James Jackson
James Jackson
Health |
jjackson@msjc.edu |
Kristina Jackson
Kristina Jackson
Theatre |
kjackson@msjc.edu |
Minah Jackson
Minah Jackson
Nursing Science (clinical) |
minjackson@msjc.edu |
Mark Jacobs
Mark Jacobs
mjacobs@msjc.edu |
Ethan Jahn
Ethan Jahn
Physics |
ejahn@msjc.edu |
Art James
Art James
Math |
ajames@msjc.edu |
Pamala James
Pamala James
Counseling |
pmjames@msjc.edu |
Kristie Janabajal
Kristie Janabajal
Radiological Technology |
kjanabajal@msjc.edu |
Veronica Jauregui
Veronica Jauregui
Career Education |
vjauregui@msjc.edu |
Alfred Javier
Alfred Javier
Environmental Technologies |
ajavier@msjc.edu |
Douglas Jeffcoat
Douglas Jeffcoat
djeffcoat@msjc.edu |
Chastity Jenkins
Chastity Jenkins
Accounting |
cjenkins@msjc.edu |
Cody Jensen
Cody Jensen
Psychology |
cjensen@msjc.edu |
Gail Jensen
Gail Jensen
Business Services |
gjensen@msjc.edu |
Kari Jensen
Kari Jensen
Nursing Science (clinical) |
kjensen@msjc.edu |
Alberto Jimenez
Alberto Jimenez
Learning Resource Center |
ajimenez@msjc.edu |
Briana Jimenez
Briana Jimenez
Enrollment Services |
bjimenez@msjc.edu |
Karla Jimenez
Karla Jimenez
kjimenez@msjc.edu |
Kassandra Jimenez
Kassandra Jimenez
Health Services |
kajimenez@msjc.edu |
Lupe Jimenez
Lupe Jimenez
Career Education |
ljimenez@msjc.edu |
Rosa Jimenez
Rosa Jimenez
Instruction Office |
rojimenez@msjc.edu |
Rosetta Jimenez
Rosetta Jimenez
Financial Aid |
rjimenez@msjc.edu |
Valeria Jimenez
Valeria Jimenez
Upward Bound |
vjimenez@msjc.edu |
Miguel Jimenez BravoMiguel Jimenez Bravo |
Mathematics |
mjimenezbravo@msjc.edu |
Jacquelyn Johansen
Jacquelyn Johansen
Biological Science |
jjohansen@msjc.edu |
Kirsten Johansen
Kirsten Johansen
Dance |
kjohansen@msjc.edu |
Chelsea Johnson
Chelsea Johnson
English |
cjohnson@msjc.edu |
Christina Johnson
Christina Johnson
Chemistry |
chjohnson@msjc.edu |
David Johnson
David Johnson
Maintenance and Operations |
dajohnson@msjc.edu |
Joyce Johnson
Joyce Johnson
Instructional Services |
jajohnso@msjc.edu |
Kelynn Johnson
Kelynn Johnson
Counseling |
kejohnson@msjc.edu |
Melanie Johnson
Melanie Johnson
Nursing |
mejohnson@msjc.edu |
Nancy Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Business and Management |
najohnson@msjc.edu |
Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson
Chemistry |
sjohnson@msjc.edu |
Anita Jones
Anita Jones
Interdisciplinary Studies |
ajones@msjc.edu |
Karen Jones
Karen Jones
Communication |
kjones@msjc.edu |
K. Elle Jones
K. Elle Jones
Career Education |
kijones@msjc.edu |
Lisa Jones
Lisa Jones
Interdisciplinary Studies |
lijones@msjc.edu |
Marisa Jones
Marisa Jones
Upward Bound |
majones@msjc.edu |
Renee Jones
Renee Jones
Learning Resource Center |
rjones@msjc.edu |
Deandre Joseph
Deandre Joseph
Financial Aid |
djoseph@msjc.edu |
Ruth Joseph
Ruth Joseph
Health Services |
rjoseph@msjc.edu |
Joshua Jurkosky
Joshua Jurkosky
Music |
jjurkosky@msjc.edu |
Teresa Kackert
Teresa Kackert
Nursing |
tkackert@msjc.edu |
Heather Kammer
Heather Kammer
Human Resources |
hkammer@msjc.edu |
Siddhartha Kanrar
Siddhartha Kanrar
Biological Science |
skanrar@msjc.edu |
Anshika Kapur
Anshika Kapur
Chemistry |
akapur@msjc.edu |
Nizam Kazi
Nizam Kazi
Math |
nkazi@msjc.edu |
Melita K Caldwell Betties
Melita K Caldwell Betties
Environmental Technologies |
mbetties@msjc.edu |
Kevin Kearney
Kevin Kearney
Music |
kkearney@msjc.edu |
Steve Kehoe
Steve Kehoe
Emergency Medical Technologies |
skehoe@msjc.edu |
Beverly Kellett
Beverly Kellett
Math |
akellett@msjc.edu |
Paul Kelley
Paul Kelley
Automotive/Transportation Tech |
pkelley@msjc.edu |
Alex Kelly
Alex Kelly
Art |
akelly@msjc.edu |
Julie Kelly
Julie Kelly
Instruction Office |
jkelly@msjc.edu |
Christina Kennedy
Christina Kennedy
English |
ckennedy@msjc.edu |
Kelly Kennedy
Kelly Kennedy
Nursing |
kkennedy@msjc.edu |
Patrick KenyonPatrick Kenyon |
Math |
pkenyon@msjc.edu |
Mikyla Kerr
Mikyla Kerr
Accommodation Service Center |
mkerr@msjc.edu |
Richard Kettner
Richard Kettner
Music |
rkettner@msjc.edu |
Jacob Kevari
Jacob Kevari
Economics |
jkevari@msjc.edu |
Scott Keys
Scott Keys
History |
skeys@msjc.edu |
Khaled Khalil
Khaled Khalil
VP of Business Services |
kkhalil@msjc.edu |
Jamie Killebrew
Jamie Killebrew
Counseling |
jkillebrew@msjc.edu |
JongKyung Kim
JongKyung Kim
Biological Science |
jkim@msjc.edu |
Myong Kim
Myong Kim
Math |
mkim@msjc.edu |
Pamela Kimbrough
Pamela Kimbrough
Chemistry |
pkimbrough@msjc.edu |
Stacy Kimbrough
Stacy Kimbrough
Business Services |
skimbrough@msjc.edu |
Kevin Kincaid
Kevin Kincaid
Business and Management |
kkincaid@msjc.edu |
Christina King
Christina King
Physics |
cking@msjc.edu |
Tabitha King
Tabitha King
Accommodation Service Center |
taking@msjc.edu |
Rhejean King Johnson
Rhejean King Johnson
Communication |
rkingjohnson@msjc.edu |
Orion Kingman
Orion Kingman
Aviation |
okingman@msjc.edu |
Ryan Klopp
Ryan Klopp
Biological Science |
rklopp@msjc.edu |
John KnuthJohn Knuth |
Art |
jknuth@msjc.edu |
Rosemary Koenig
Rosemary Koenig
History |
rkoenig@msjc.edu |
Michael Koger
Michael Koger
English |
mkoger@msjc.edu |
Bonjun Koo
Bonjun Koo
Biological Science |
bkoo@msjc.edu |
James Koobatian
James Koobatian
Philosophy |
jkoobatian@msjc.edu |
Kim Kooser
Kim Kooser
Nursing Science (clinical) |
kkooser@msjc.edu |
Cori Kopitzke
Cori Kopitzke
Administration of Justice |
vkopitzke@msjc.edu |
Tracy Koscielak
Tracy Koscielak
Nursing |
tkoscielak@msjc.edu |
Shannon Kovich
Shannon Kovich
Campus Safety |
skovich@msjc.edu |
Linda Krajewski
Linda Krajewski
Psychology |
lkrajewski@msjc.edu |
Susan Kristjansson
Susan Kristjansson
Instructional Support Services |
skristjansson@msjc.edu |
Tricia Krystek
Tricia Krystek
Health Services |
tkrystek@msjc.edu |
Sheba Kuruvilla
Sheba Kuruvilla
Chemistry |
skuruvilla@msjc.edu |
Santino Labbate
Santino Labbate
Physics |
slabbate@msjc.edu |
Adrian Lallman
Adrian Lallman
Automotive/Transportation Tech |
alallman@msjc.edu |
Khanh Lam
Khanh Lam
Math |
klam@msjc.edu |
Tennille Lambert
Tennille Lambert
Dance |
tlambert@msjc.edu |
Timothy Lampley
Timothy Lampley
Communication |
tlampley@msjc.edu |
Donald Lancaster
Donald Lancaster
Law |
dlancaster@msjc.edu |
Edward Landeros
Edward Landeros
Career Education |
elanderos@msjc.edu |
Maria Landsberg
Maria Landsberg
Art |
mlandsberg@msjc.edu |
Tracy L'angelle
Tracy L'angelle
Accommodation Service Center |
thalmagean@msjc.edu |
Andrekka Lanier
Andrekka Lanier
Interdisciplinary Studies |
alanier@msjc.edu |
Jill Lanphere
Jill Lanphere
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
jlanphere@msjc.edu |
Eddie Lanza
Eddie Lanza
Learning Resource Center |
elanza@msjc.edu |
Nicholas LaPointe
Nicholas LaPointe
Athletics |
nlapointe@msjc.edu |
Amber Lappin
Amber Lappin
alappin@msjc.edu |
Melissa Lara Ochoa
Melissa Lara Ochoa
Continuing Education |
mlaraochoa@msjc.edu |
Jacqueline Larson
Jacqueline Larson
Nutritional Science/Dietetics |
jlarson@msjc.edu |
Ian Lasky
Ian Lasky
Computer Science (csis) |
ilasky@msjc.edu |
Olabode Lawal
Olabode Lawal
Communication |
olawal@msjc.edu |
Tabitha Lawler
Tabitha Lawler
Instructional Services |
tlawler@msjc.edu |
Dr. Karina Lawrence
Dr. Karina Lawrence
Computer Information Systems |
klawrence@msjc.edu |
Charlene Le
Charlene Le
Nursing |
cle@msjc.edu |
Riana Leach
Riana Leach
Accounting |
rleach@msjc.edu |
Elyson Gavin Lebig
Elyson Gavin Lebig
Biological Science |
elebig@msjc.edu |
Aristeo Ledesma
Aristeo Ledesma
Maintenance and Operations |
arledesma@msjc.edu |
Aristeo Ledesma
Aristeo Ledesma
Procurement and General Svcs |
aledesma@msjc.edu |
Soraya Ledesma
Soraya Ledesma
Continuing Education |
sledesma@msjc.edu |
Albert Lee
Albert Lee
Math |
allee@msjc.edu |
Amy Lee
Amy Lee
English |
amlee@msjc.edu |
John Lee
John Lee
Physics |
jolee@msjc.edu |
Paulson Lee
Paulson Lee
Art |
plee@msjc.edu |
Randi Lee
Randi Lee
Academic Technology Services |
rlee@msjc.edu |
Yoon Lee
Yoon Lee
Foreign Languages |
ylee@msjc.edu |
Brian Legal
Brian Legal
Information Technology |
blegal@msjc.edu |
Laura Leger
Laura Leger
Biological Science |
lleger@msjc.edu |
Haylee Lemus
Haylee Lemus
Student Services |
hlemus@msjc.edu |
Zanya Leovao
Zanya Leovao
Instruction Office |
zleovao@msjc.edu |
Janice Levasseur
Janice Levasseur
Instruction Office |
jlevasseur@msjc.edu |
Dena Lewis
Dena Lewis
Facil Plan and Capital Outlay |
dlewis@msjc.edu |
Matt Leyden
Matt Leyden
Counseling |
mleyden@msjc.edu |
Alejandro Leyva
Alejandro Leyva
Maintenance and Operations |
aleyva@msjc.edu |
Paul Lindley
Paul Lindley
Fire Technolgy |
plindley@msjc.edu |
Scott Lindsey
Scott Lindsey
English |
slindsey@msjc.edu |
Richard Linsalato
Richard Linsalato
Culinary Arts/Food Technology |
rlinsalato@msjc.edu |
Tera Lisicky
Tera Lisicky
Instructional Support Services |
telder@msjc.edu |
Jimmie Littrell
Jimmie Littrell
Biological Science |
jlittrell@msjc.edu |
Jerald Livesey
Jerald Livesey
President's Office |
jlivesey@msjc.edu |
Aldo Lopez
Aldo Lopez
Political Science |
alopez@msjc.edu |
Blanca Lopez
Blanca Lopez
Career Education |
bllopez@msjc.edu |
Crystal Lopez
Crystal Lopez
Athletics |
clopez@msjc.edu |
Ezikio Lopez
Ezikio Lopez
English |
blopez@msjc.edu |
Fabian Lopez
Fabian Lopez
Emergency Medical Technologies |
flopez@msjc.edu |
Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez
Athletics |
joslopez@msjc.edu |
Lidia Lopez
Lidia Lopez
Nursing |
llopez@msjc.edu |
Melissa Lopez
Melissa Lopez
Cafeteria |
melopez@msjc.edu |
Michelle Lorimer
Michelle Lorimer
History |
mlorimer@msjc.edu |
Environmental Technologies |
aloukeh@msjc.edu |
German Loustaunau
German Loustaunau
English |
gloustaunau@msjc.edu |
Roxanna Lovato
Roxanna Lovato
Food Services |
rlovato@msjc.edu |
Carol Lowery
Carol Lowery
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
clowery@msjc.edu |
Peter Luddington Foronjy
Peter Luddington Foronjy
History |
pluddingtonforonj@msjc.edu |
Lindsay Ludvigsen
Lindsay Ludvigsen
English |
lludvigsen@msjc.edu |
Marian Luevano
Marian Luevano
Maintenance and Operations |
mluevano@msjc.edu |
Jose Lumbreras
Jose Lumbreras
Ethnic Studies |
jlumbreras@msjc.edu |
Hiromi Luna
Hiromi Luna
Nursing |
hluna@msjc.edu |
Joana Luna
Joana Luna
Math |
jluna@msjc.edu |
Leticia Luna-SimsLeticia Luna-Sims |
Instruction Office |
lsims@msjc.edu |
Mistey Lund
Mistey Lund
Nursing Science (clinical) |
mlund@msjc.edu |
Kinh Luu
Kinh Luu
Math |
kluu@msjc.edu |
Tony Luu
Tony Luu
English |
tluu@msjc.edu |
David Lynch
David Lynch
Real Estate |
dlynch@msjc.edu |
Mary MaddenMary Madden |
Math |
mmadden@msjc.edu |
Fred Madore
Fred Madore
Academic Technology Services |
fmadore@msjc.edu |
Adriana Magda
Adriana Magda
Counseling |
amagda@msjc.edu |
Jeffery Magee
Jeffery Magee
Maintenance and Operations |
jmagee@msjc.edu |
Jeanne Maggard
Jeanne Maggard
Library |
jmaggard@msjc.edu |
Hao Mai
Hao Mai
Math |
hmai@msjc.edu |
Mark Maier
Mark Maier
Physics |
mmaier@msjc.edu |
Celia Malcolm
Celia Malcolm
Nutritional Science/Dietetics |
cmalcolm@msjc.edu |
Vanessa Malcolm
Vanessa Malcolm
English |
vmalcolm@msjc.edu |
Jairo Maldonado
Jairo Maldonado
Maintenance and Operations |
jmaldonado@msjc.edu |
Crystal Malveaux
Crystal Malveaux
Athletics |
cmalveaux@msjc.edu |
Elisabeth Mandel
Elisabeth Mandel
Music |
emandel@msjc.edu |
Lynn Mann
Lynn Mann
Computer Information Systems |
lmann@msjc.edu |
Shawn Mann
Shawn Mann
Instruction Office |
smann@msjc.edu |
Adam ManriquezAdam Manriquez |
Math |
amanriquez@msjc.edu |
Cymphonee Mansouri
Cymphonee Mansouri
Chemistry |
cmansouri@msjc.edu |
Andreea MardichianAndreea Mardichian |
Math |
amardichian@msjc.edu |
Joseph Marin
Joseph Marin
Information Technology |
jmarin@msjc.edu |
Carla Maroudas
Carla Maroudas
English |
cmaroudas@msjc.edu |
Claudia Marquez
Claudia Marquez
Enrollment Services |
cmarquez@msjc.edu |
Giovanna Marquez
Giovanna Marquez
Enrollment Services |
gmarquez@msjc.edu |
Karla Marquez
Karla Marquez
Instructional Services |
kmarquez@msjc.edu |
Karin Marriott
Karin Marriott
President's Office |
kmarriott@msjc.edu |
Jamie Marrs
Jamie Marrs
Biological Science |
jamarrs@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Marrs
Jennifer Marrs
VP of Business Services |
jmarrs@msjc.edu |
Alan Marsala
Alan Marsala
Multimedia |
amarsala@msjc.edu |
Akia Marshall
Akia Marshall
Enrollment Services |
amarshall@msjc.edu |
Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez
Real Estate |
cmartinez@msjc.edu |
Emme Martinez
Emme Martinez
Enrollment Services |
emartinez@msjc.edu |
Max Martinez
Max Martinez
Maintenance and Operations |
mamartinez@msjc.edu |
Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez
Chemistry |
mimartinez@msjc.edu |
Nicole Martinez
Nicole Martinez
Business Services |
nmartinez@msjc.edu |
Patrick Martinez
Patrick Martinez
Math |
pamartinez@msjc.edu |
Pierce Martinez
Pierce Martinez
Campus Safety |
pimartinez@msjc.edu |
Rick Martinez
Rick Martinez
Administration of Justice |
rmartinez@msjc.edu |
Daniel Martinez-Sarabia
Daniel Martinez-Sarabia
Accommodation Service Center |
dsarabia@msjc.edu |
Crystal Mason
Crystal Mason
Theatre |
cmason@msjc.edu |
Grace Mason
Grace Mason
Enrollment Services |
gmason@msjc.edu |
Roy Mason
Roy Mason
Biological Science |
rmason@msjc.edu |
Sana Massad
Sana Massad
Nursing |
smassad@msjc.edu |
Muramay Mata Costilla
Muramay Mata Costilla
mmatacostillas@msjc.edu |
Jeremy Mateo
Jeremy Mateo
Theatre |
jmateo@msjc.edu |
Diamond Matthews-Walls
Diamond Matthews-Walls
Health Care |
dwalls@msjc.edu |
Sarah Maxwell
Sarah Maxwell
Health Care |
smaxwell@msjc.edu |
Brian May
Brian May
Instruction Office |
bmay@msjc.edu |
Maximillian Mayther
Maximillian Mayther
Chemistry |
mmayther@msjc.edu |
Nadia Mazzani
Nadia Mazzani
Anatomy and Physiology |
nmazzani@msjc.edu |
Casey Mazzotta
Casey Mazzotta
Athletics |
cmazzotta@msjc.edu |
Lisa McAllister
Lisa McAllister
Student Services |
lmcallister@msjc.edu |
Patricia McBee
Patricia McBee
Nursing |
pmcbee@msjc.edu |
Dominique McCafferty Snapp
Dominique McCafferty Snapp
Library |
dmccaffertysnapp@msjc.edu |
Jeffrey McClenahan
Jeffrey McClenahan
Anatomy and Physiology |
jmcclenahan@msjc.edu |
John McClung
John McClung
Athletics |
jmcclung@msjc.edu |
Kent McCorkle
Kent McCorkle
Chemistry |
kmccorkle@msjc.edu |
Kerry McCoy
Kerry McCoy
Psychology |
kmccoy@msjc.edu |
Matthew McCoy
Matthew McCoy
Academic Technology Services |
mmccoy@msjc.edu |
Melinda McCulloch
Melinda McCulloch
Psychology |
mmcculloch@msjc.edu |
Araceli McDaniel
Araceli McDaniel
Financial Aid |
ahiguera@msjc.edu |
Dillon McDougle
Dillon McDougle
Enrollment Services |
dmcdougle@msjc.edu |
Clayton McEvoy
Clayton McEvoy
History |
cmcevoy@msjc.edu |
Nicole McKay
Nicole McKay
Continuing Education |
nmckay@msjc.edu |
Jeff McKendricks
Jeff McKendricks
Anthropology |
jmckendricks@msjc.edu |
Stephen McLaughlin
Stephen McLaughlin
Horticulture |
stmclaughlin@msjc.edu |
Molly McMillan
Molly McMillan
Engineering |
mmcmillan@msjc.edu |
Stephanie McNairy
Stephanie McNairy
Art |
smcnairy@msjc.edu |
Zane McNeil
Zane McNeil
Maintenance and Operations |
zmcneil@msjc.edu |
Angela McNicholas
Angela McNicholas
English |
csacayan@msjc.edu |
Judith McPherson
Judith McPherson
Math |
jmcpherson@msjc.edu |
Sharon McPherson
Sharon McPherson
Nursing |
smcpherson@msjc.edu |
Georgia McQuade
Georgia McQuade
Music |
gmcquade@msjc.edu |
Cody McVey
Cody McVey
American Sign Language |
cmcvey@msjc.edu |
Andrew Medina
Andrew Medina
Academic Technology Services |
amedina@msjc.edu |
Emmanuel Medina
Emmanuel Medina
Business and Management |
emedina@msjc.edu |
Leonardo Medina
Leonardo Medina
Business and Management |
lemedina@msjc.edu |
Jacob Meiser
Jacob Meiser
English |
jmeiser@msjc.edu |
April Mejia
April Mejia
Anthropology |
amejia@msjc.edu |
Karina Mejia
Karina Mejia
Counseling Services |
kmejia@msjc.edu |
Virginia Mejia
Virginia Mejia
Business and Management |
vmejia@msjc.edu |
Robert Melsh
Robert Melsh
Political Science |
rmelsh@msjc.edu |
Karl Melzer
Karl Melzer
Print Shop |
kmelzer@msjc.edu |
Tyler Mendel
Tyler Mendel
Learning Skills Program (lnsk) |
tmendel@msjc.edu |
Jose Mendez Zarco
Jose Mendez Zarco
Maintenance and Operations |
jzarco@msjc.edu |
Erika MendivilErika Mendivil |
Learning Skills Program (lnsk) |
emendivil@msjc.edu |
Juana Mendo
Juana Mendo
jmendocabrejos@msjc.edu |
David Mendoza
David Mendoza
Maintenance and Operations |
dmendoza@msjc.edu |
Nina Mendoza
Nina Mendoza
Health Services |
nmendoza@msjc.edu |
Yadimir Mendoza Garcia
Yadimir Mendoza Garcia
Financial Aid |
ymendozagarcia@msjc.edu |
Molly Mercer
Molly Mercer
Counseling |
mmercer@msjc.edu |
Tyler Mercer
Tyler Mercer
Maintenance and Operations |
tmercer@msjc.edu |
Nik Mesaris
Nik Mesaris
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
nmesaris@msjc.edu |
Austin Meyer
Austin Meyer
Campus Safety |
ameyer@msjc.edu |
dillon meza
dillon meza
Career Education |
dmeza@msjc.edu |
Pamela Michel
Pamela Michel
American Sign Language |
pmichel@msjc.edu |
Alexander Michkov
Alexander Michkov
Biological Science |
amichkov@msjc.edu |
Mourad Mikhail
Mourad Mikhail
Anatomy and Physiology |
mmikhail@msjc.edu |
Kevin Mikolich
Kevin Mikolich
Foreign Languages |
kmikolich@msjc.edu |
Thomas Milazzo
Thomas Milazzo
Business and Management |
tmilazzo@msjc.edu |
Brian Miller
Brian Miller
Administration of Justice |
brmiller@msjc.edu |
Hasuyo Miller
Hasuyo Miller
Art |
hmiller@msjc.edu |
Shane Miller
Shane Miller
Maintenance and Operations |
smiller@msjc.edu |
Denise Mitchell
Denise Mitchell
Biological Science |
dmitchell@msjc.edu |
MacKenzie Mitchiner
MacKenzie Mitchiner
Athletics |
mamitchiner@msjc.edu |
Mallory Mitchiner
Mallory Mitchiner
Athletics |
mmitchiner@msjc.edu |
Teri Mitts
Teri Mitts
Career Education |
tmitts@msjc.edu |
Debra Moffatt
Debra Moffatt
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
dmoffatt@msjc.edu |
Scott Mogel
Scott Mogel
Chemistry |
smogel@msjc.edu |
Saquib Mohammed
Saquib Mohammed
Biological Science |
smohammed@msjc.edu |
Scott Mohler
Scott Mohler
Maintenance and Operations |
smohler@msjc.edu |
William Molina
William Molina
English |
wmolina@msjc.edu |
Martina Moncada
Martina Moncada
Veteran's Services |
mmoncada@msjc.edu |
Brittany Mondragon
Brittany Mondragon
History |
bmondragon@msjc.edu |
Luis MondragonLuis Mondragon |
Math |
lmondragon@msjc.edu |
Jocelin Monge
Jocelin Monge
Communication |
jmonge@msjc.edu |
Tan MontTan Mont |
Art |
lmont@msjc.edu |
Ganiece Moody
Ganiece Moody
Career/Transfer Center |
gmoody@msjc.edu |
Brandon MooreBrandon Moore |
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
bmoore@msjc.edu |
Jasmine Moore
Jasmine Moore
English |
jamoore@msjc.edu |
Sherri Moore
Sherri Moore
Library |
smoore@msjc.edu |
Adrianna Morales
Adrianna Morales
amorales@msjc.edu |
Diane Morales
Diane Morales
Maintenance and Operations |
dmorales@msjc.edu |
Natalia Morales
Natalia Morales
Dance |
nmorales@msjc.edu |
Danielle Moreno
Danielle Moreno
Biological Science |
dmoreno@msjc.edu |
Melissa Moreno
Melissa Moreno
Communication |
memoreno@msjc.edu |
Alexander Morita
Alexander Morita
Anatomy and Physiology |
amorita@msjc.edu |
David Morits
David Morits
Health Services |
dmorits@msjc.edu |
Temika Morris
Temika Morris
Instruction Office |
tmorris@msjc.edu |
Jacqua Morrison
Jacqua Morrison
President's Office |
jmorrison@msjc.edu |
Robert Morrow
Robert Morrow
Athletics |
rmorrow@msjc.edu |
David MossDavid Moss |
Communication |
emoss@msjc.edu |
Anton Mozga
Anton Mozga
Athletics |
amozga@msjc.edu |
Christopher Mozga
Christopher Mozga
Athletics |
cmozga@msjc.edu |
Janice Mrkonjic
Janice Mrkonjic
Comm Ed & Workplace Training |
jmrkonjic@msjc.edu |
Eric Muehlebach
Eric Muehlebach
Human Resources |
emuehlebach@msjc.edu |
Travis Mulder
Travis Mulder
Emergency Medical Technologies |
tmulder@msjc.edu |
John Mull
John Mull
English |
jmull@msjc.edu |
Diana Munger
Diana Munger
Art |
dmunger@msjc.edu |
Sharon Mungo
Sharon Mungo
Public Information |
smungo@msjc.edu |
Leticia Munoz
Leticia Munoz
Counseling |
lmunoz@msjc.edu |
Colette Murphy
Colette Murphy
Communication |
cmurphy@msjc.edu |
Leopold Murphy
Leopold Murphy
Theatre |
lmurphy@msjc.edu |
Michelle Murphy-Mariscal
Michelle Murphy-Mariscal
Environmental Technologies |
mmariscal@msjc.edu |
Charla Murray
Charla Murray
Continuing Education |
cmurray@msjc.edu |
Tristan Murray
Tristan Murray
Foreign Languages |
tmurray@msjc.edu |
Ryan Myers
Ryan Myers
Campus Safety |
rmyers@msjc.edu |
Gregory Myracle
Gregory Myracle
Multimedia |
gmyracle@msjc.edu |
Abeer Nabulsi
Abeer Nabulsi
Foreign Languages |
anabulsi@msjc.edu |
Paula NaggiPaula Naggi |
Dance |
pnaggi@msjc.edu |
Cheri Naish
Cheri Naish
Instructional Services |
cnaish@msjc.edu |
Justin Naish
Justin Naish
Procurement and General Svcs |
jnaish@msjc.edu |
Marlon Nance
Marlon Nance
Earth Science |
mnance@msjc.edu |
Nancy Napolitano
Nancy Napolitano
Nutritional Science/Dietetics |
nnapolitano@msjc.edu |
Shiva Narayan
Shiva Narayan
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
snarayan@msjc.edu |
Fadi Nasr
Fadi Nasr
Math |
fnasr@msjc.edu |
Adrian Nastase
Adrian Nastase
Computer Information Systems |
anastase@msjc.edu |
Beverly Natividad
Beverly Natividad
Communication |
bnatividad@msjc.edu |
Anthony Navarrete
Anthony Navarrete
Library |
anavarrete@msjc.edu |
Karina Navarro
Karina Navarro
Health Care |
knavarro@msjc.edu |
Rodrigo Navarro Perez
Rodrigo Navarro Perez
Physics |
rnavarroperez@msjc.edu |
Edna Nelson
Edna Nelson
Health Services |
enelson@msjc.edu |
Lena Nelson
Lena Nelson
Esl/Tesol |
lnelson@msjc.edu |
Marcy Newbern
Marcy Newbern
Business and Management |
mnewbern@msjc.edu |
Andrea Newborn
Andrea Newborn
Interdisciplinary Studies |
anewborn@msjc.edu |
Joseph Newhide
Joseph Newhide
Anatomy and Physiology |
jnewhide@msjc.edu |
Geneveive Newman
Geneveive Newman
Film Studies |
gnewman@msjc.edu |
Ron NewmanRon Newman |
Communication |
rnewman@msjc.edu |
Alain Newo Soufo
Alain Newo Soufo
Biological Science |
anewosoufo@msjc.edu |
Bryan Nguyen
Bryan Nguyen
Math |
bnguyen@msjc.edu |
Duc Nguyen
Duc Nguyen
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
dnguyen@msjc.edu |
Kiem Nguyen
Kiem Nguyen
Math |
kinguyen@msjc.edu |
Tuan Nguyen
Tuan Nguyen
Nursing |
tunguyen@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Nickerson
Jennifer Nickerson
Continuing Education |
jnickerson@msjc.edu |
Sejin Niehorster-Cook
Sejin Niehorster-Cook
Psychology |
selee@msjc.edu |
Reyna Nievlas
Reyna Nievlas
Nursing |
rnievlas@msjc.edu |
Dina Nijm
Dina Nijm
Anatomy and Physiology |
dnijm@msjc.edu |
Jason Noda
Jason Noda
Nursing |
jnoda@msjc.edu |
Brynn Nodarse
Brynn Nodarse
Psychology |
bnodarse@msjc.edu |
Jamie Nomeland
Jamie Nomeland
American Sign Language |
jnomeland@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Nordskog
Cynthia Nordskog
Real Estate |
cnordskog@msjc.edu |
Amber Norman
Amber Norman
Nursing Science (clinical) |
anorman@msjc.edu |
Blaine Novak Pilch
Blaine Novak Pilch
Biological Science |
bnovakpilch@msjc.edu |
Jones Ntekim
Jones Ntekim
Psychology |
jntekim@msjc.edu |
Michael Nusser
Michael Nusser
Environmental Technologies |
mnusser@msjc.edu |
Anjeanette ObergAnjeanette Oberg |
Psychology |
aoberg@msjc.edu |
Laura O'Brien
Laura O'Brien
Anatomy & Physiology |
lobrien@msjc.edu |
Arthur Ochoa
Arthur Ochoa
Maintenance and Operations |
aochoa@msjc.edu |
Melissa Ochoa
Melissa Ochoa
Accounting |
mochoa@msjc.edu |
Pamela Ochoa Duran
Pamela Ochoa Duran
Communication |
pochoa@msjc.edu |
James Ogaja
James Ogaja
Math |
jogaja@msjc.edu |
Pilar Olid
Pilar Olid
Math |
polid@msjc.edu |
Gina Oliver
Gina Oliver
Athletics |
goliver@msjc.edu |
Jamie Olmos
Jamie Olmos
Counseling |
jolmos@msjc.edu |
Mark Olson
Mark Olson
Dance |
molson@msjc.edu |
Shelley Olson
Shelley Olson
solson@msjc.edu |
Joshua Oneal
Joshua Oneal
Career Education |
joneal@msjc.edu |
Heather Ontiveros
Heather Ontiveros
Health Services |
hontiveros@msjc.edu |
Oke Onwuka
Oke Onwuka
Computer Information Systems |
oonwuka@msjc.edu |
Alvin Orata
Alvin Orata
Food Services |
aorata@msjc.edu |
Brian Orlauski
Brian Orlauski
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
borlausk@msjc.edu |
Rebecca Orlauski
Rebecca Orlauski
Foundation |
rorlauski@msjc.edu |
Micah Orloff
Micah Orloff
Instn Effect / Resrch / Grants |
morloff@msjc.edu |
Natalie Orosco
Natalie Orosco
Health Services |
norosco@msjc.edu |
Alejandro Orozco
Alejandro Orozco
Financial Aid |
aorozco@msjc.edu |
Abril Orozco Partida
Abril Orozco Partida
Enrollment Services |
aorozcopartida@msjc.edu |
David Ortega
David Ortega
Maintenance and Operations |
dortega@msjc.edu |
Suzanne Ortega
Suzanne Ortega
Student Life & Development |
sortega@msjc.edu |
Tawnee Ortiz
Tawnee Ortiz
English |
tortiz@msjc.edu |
Viviana Ortiz
Viviana Ortiz
American Sign Language |
vortiz@msjc.edu |
Gerardo Ortiz Cardenas
Gerardo Ortiz Cardenas
gortizcardenas@msjc.edu |
Renee Orton
Renee Orton
Communication |
rorton@msjc.edu |
Gabriela Ortuno
Gabriela Ortuno
Health Services |
gortuno@msjc.edu |
Yolanda Osborne
Yolanda Osborne
Math |
yosborne@msjc.edu |
Kevin Osorno
Kevin Osorno
Physics |
kosorno@msjc.edu |
Maria Ottinger
Maria Ottinger
Nursing Science (clinical) |
mottinger@msjc.edu |
Briana Ovbude
Briana Ovbude
Biological Science |
bovbude@msjc.edu |
Katie Owashi
Katie Owashi
Counseling |
kowashi@msjc.edu |
Tracie Owen
Tracie Owen
Accounting |
towen@msjc.edu |
Erik Ozolins
Erik Ozolins
Anthropology |
eozolins@msjc.edu |
edwin Pacheco
edwin Pacheco
Maintenance and Operations |
epacheco@msjc.edu |
Selena Paez-Mendez
Selena Paez-Mendez
Student Services |
smendez@msjc.edu |
Cory Page
Cory Page
Athletics |
cpage@msjc.edu |
John Palacio Palacio
John Palacio Palacio
Maintenance and Operations |
jpalacio@msjc.edu |
Addison PalaciosAddison Palacios |
English |
apalacios@msjc.edu |
Talen Palpallatoc
Talen Palpallatoc
Athletics |
tpalpallatoc@msjc.edu |
Sujatha Pamula
Sujatha Pamula
Biological Science |
spamula@msjc.edu |
Putheary Pang
Putheary Pang
Math |
ppang@msjc.edu |
Ronald Paquette
Ronald Paquette
Business and Management |
rpaquette@msjc.edu |
Erik Paredes
Erik Paredes
Maintenance and Operations |
eparedes@msjc.edu |
Zeneida Parente Alves Neta
Zeneida Parente Alves Neta
Communication |
zparentealvesneta@msjc.edu |
Garry Parker
Garry Parker
Environmental Technologies |
garparker@msjc.edu |
La Tonya Parker
La Tonya Parker
Guidance |
lparker@msjc.edu |
Francis Pascual
Francis Pascual
Campus Safety |
fpascual@msjc.edu |
Dave Paseman
Dave Paseman
Campus Safety |
dpaseman@msjc.edu |
Andrea Pasolini
Andrea Pasolini
Public Information |
apasolini@msjc.edu |
Emily Pasqualetto
Emily Pasqualetto
Information Technology |
epasqualetto@msjc.edu |
Andrew Patalano
Andrew Patalano
Chemistry |
apatalano@msjc.edu |
Zack Paterson
Zack Paterson
Political Science |
zpaterson@msjc.edu |
Mike Patino
Mike Patino
Maintenance and Operations |
mpatino@msjc.edu |
Gary Patt
Gary Patt
Instructional Support Services |
gpatt@msjc.edu |
Rose Patterson
Rose Patterson
Instructional Services |
rpatterson@msjc.edu |
Gillian Patton
Gillian Patton
Psychology |
gpatton@msjc.edu |
Dan Peace
Dan Peace
Psychology |
dpeace@msjc.edu |
Teresa Pedroza Orozco
Teresa Pedroza Orozco
tpedrozaorozco@msjc.edu |
Julie Peggar
Julie Peggar
Psychology |
jpeggar@msjc.edu |
Walter Penniman
Walter Penniman
Career Education |
wpenniman@msjc.edu |
Greg Pennyroyal
Greg Pennyroyal
Chemistry |
gpennyroyal@msjc.edu |
Robert Pensiero
Robert Pensiero
Automotive/Transportation Tech |
rpensiero@msjc.edu |
Jozsef Pentek
Jozsef Pentek
Anatomy and Physiology |
jpentek@msjc.edu |
Debbie Perez
Debbie Perez
Human Resources |
dflores@msjc.edu |
Veronica Perez
Veronica Perez
Instruction Office |
vperez@msjc.edu |
Edgar Perez Peña
Edgar Perez Peña
Art |
eperezpena@msjc.edu |
Andrew Perkins
Andrew Perkins
History |
aperkins@msjc.edu |
Camille Perry
Camille Perry
Distance Education |
cperry@msjc.edu |
Robin Perry
Robin Perry
English |
rperry@msjc.edu |
Holley Persson
Holley Persson
Athletics |
hpersson@msjc.edu |
David Peterson
David Peterson
Information Technology |
dpeterson@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Peterson
Jennifer Peterson
jpeterson@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Petitte
Jennifer Petitte
Nursing |
jpetitte@msjc.edu |
Thai Pham
Thai Pham
tpham@msjc.edu |
Ian Pharris
Ian Pharris
Math |
ipharris@msjc.edu |
Rachelle Phillips
Rachelle Phillips
Psychology |
rphillips@msjc.edu |
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
English |
riphillips@msjc.edu |
Ryanne Phillips
Ryanne Phillips
Art |
ryphillips@msjc.edu |
Phuong Phung
Phuong Phung
Political Science |
pphung@msjc.edu |
Jenner Pickens
Jenner Pickens
Biological Sciences |
jpickens@msjc.edu |
Richard Piercy
Richard Piercy
Biological Science |
rpiercy@msjc.edu |
Thomas Pillsworth
Thomas Pillsworth
Anatomy and Physiology |
tpillsworth@msjc.edu |
Nicole Pina
Nicole Pina
Business Services |
npina@msjc.edu |
James Pittman
James Pittman
Business and Management |
jpittman@msjc.edu |
Christopher Platt
Christopher Platt
Academic Technology Services |
cplatt@msjc.edu |
Michael Plotkin
Michael Plotkin
Biological Science |
mplotkin@msjc.edu |
Richard Plummer
Richard Plummer
Maintenance and Operations |
rplummer@msjc.edu |
Heather Pomerenke
Heather Pomerenke
Counseling |
hpomerenke@msjc.edu |
Kathryn Ponio
Kathryn Ponio
Student Life & Development |
kponio@msjc.edu |
Peter Poole
Peter Poole
Continuing Education |
ppoole@msjc.edu |
Jacob Porper
Jacob Porper
Accounting |
jporper@msjc.edu |
Jasmine Port
Jasmine Port
Continuing Education |
jport@msjc.edu |
Arnita Porter
Arnita Porter
Law |
aporter@msjc.edu |
Korbyn Pounds
Korbyn Pounds
Accommodation Service Center |
kpounds@msjc.edu |
Lillian Powers
Lillian Powers
Instructional Services |
lpowers@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Prentice
Cynthia Prentice
Counseling |
cprentice@msjc.edu |
Kate Prestia-Schaub
Kate Prestia-Schaub
Music |
kschaub@msjc.edu |
Lisa Prickett
Lisa Prickett
English |
lprickett@msjc.edu |
Rosaria Priolo-Applegate
Rosaria Priolo-Applegate
Math |
rapplegate@msjc.edu |
Deja Pruitt
Deja Pruitt
Outreach |
dpruitt@msjc.edu |
Stephanie Pryor
Stephanie Pryor
Art |
spryor@msjc.edu |
Brandon Puentes
Brandon Puentes
History |
bpuentes@msjc.edu |
Tara Pyle
Tara Pyle
Distance Education |
tpyle@msjc.edu |
Linda Qsar
Linda Qsar
Business Services |
lqsar@msjc.edu |
Kaleeka QuayeKaleeka Quaye |
Art |
kquaye@msjc.edu |
Donnalynne Quick
Donnalynne Quick
Esl/Tesol |
dquick@msjc.edu |
Caitlyn Quindoy
Caitlyn Quindoy
Health Services |
cquindoy@msjc.edu |
Bryant Quintana
Bryant Quintana
Maintenance and Operations |
bquintana@msjc.edu |
John Qumsiya
John Qumsiya
Math |
jqumsiya@msjc.edu |
Michael Rabi
Michael Rabi
Political Science |
mrabi@msjc.edu |
Robert Rader
Robert Rader
English |
rrader@msjc.edu |
Darla Radford
Darla Radford
History |
dradford@msjc.edu |
Louisa Radosevich
Louisa Radosevich
Biological Science |
lradosevich@msjc.edu |
Jennie Ragsdale
Jennie Ragsdale
Enrollment Services |
jragsdal@msjc.edu |
Jessica Ragsdale
Jessica Ragsdale
Music |
jeragsdale@msjc.edu |
Sara Rahimnejad
Sara Rahimnejad
Chemistry |
srahimnejad@msjc.edu |
Latif Rahman
Latif Rahman
Anatomy and Physiology |
lrahman@msjc.edu |
Mustafizur Rahman
Mustafizur Rahman
Math |
mrahman@msjc.edu |
Patrick Ramaker
Patrick Ramaker
Information Technology |
pramaker@msjc.edu |
Alma Ramirez
Alma Ramirez
Instructional Services |
alramirez@msjc.edu |
Donald Ramirez
Donald Ramirez
Mathematics |
dramirez@msjc.edu |
Eriberto Ramirez
Eriberto Ramirez
Library |
eramirez@msjc.edu |
Jessica Ramirez
Jessica Ramirez
Math |
jeramirez@msjc.edu |
Juan Ramirez
Juan Ramirez
Maintenance and Operations |
jramirez@msjc.edu |
Reina Ramirez
Reina Ramirez
Nursing Science (clinical) |
reramirez@msjc.edu |
Roy Ramon
Roy Ramon
Instructional Services |
rramon@msjc.edu |
Chris Ramos
Chris Ramos
cramos@msjc.edu |
Cuauhtli Ramos
Cuauhtli Ramos
Counseling |
curamos@msjc.edu |
Gilberto Ramos
Gilberto Ramos
Campus Safety |
gramos@msjc.edu |
Betsy Ramos De Guzman
Betsy Ramos De Guzman
Counseling |
bramosdeguzman@msjc.edu |
Antonio Ramos Jimenez
Antonio Ramos Jimenez
Foreign Languages |
aramosjimenez@msjc.edu |
Gene Ramsey
Gene Ramsey
Athletics |
gramsey@msjc.edu |
Amrik RandhawaAmrik Randhawa |
Computer Information Systems |
arandhawa@msjc.edu |
Sergio Rangel Monroy
Sergio Rangel Monroy
Accommodation Service Center |
srangelmonroy@msjc.edu |
Leland Rash
Leland Rash
History |
lrash@msjc.edu |
Steven Ray
Steven Ray
Psychology |
sray@msjc.edu |
Cristian Raymundo
Cristian Raymundo
Maintenance and Operations |
craymundo@msjc.edu |
Steven Razo
Steven Razo
Music |
srazo@msjc.edu |
Eric ReaEric Rea |
Music |
erea@msjc.edu |
Tony Real
Tony Real
Counseling |
treal@msjc.edu |
Guy Reams
Guy Reams
Computer Information Systems |
greams@msjc.edu |
Josh Reed
Josh Reed
Art |
jreed@msjc.edu |
Nick Reeves
Nick Reeves
Biological Science |
nreeves@msjc.edu |
John Regus
John Regus
Biological Science |
jregus@msjc.edu |
Shirley Reid
Shirley Reid
Math |
sreid@msjc.edu |
Paul Reiman
Paul Reiman
Anatomy and Physiology |
preiman@msjc.edu |
Shelby ReinschShelby Reinsch |
English |
sreinsch@msjc.edu |
Brittany Renard
Brittany Renard
English |
brenard@msjc.edu |
Giovanna Rendon
Giovanna Rendon
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
grendon@msjc.edu |
Julio Reyes
Julio Reyes
Athletics |
jreyes@msjc.edu |
Milt Reyes
Milt Reyes
Academic Technology Services |
mreyes@msjc.edu |
Sheri Reynolds
Sheri Reynolds
shreynolds@msjc.edu |
Tiffany Rhea-Bobo
Tiffany Rhea-Bobo
Athletics |
tbobo@msjc.edu |
Matthew Rice
Matthew Rice
Wine Industry and Technology |
marice@msjc.edu |
Rachel Richardson
Rachel Richardson
Communication |
rrichardson@msjc.edu |
Aaron Rietkerk
Aaron Rietkerk
History |
arietkerk@msjc.edu |
Kristin Rigby
Kristin Rigby
Communication |
krigby@msjc.edu |
Amanda Riggle
Amanda Riggle
English |
ariggle@msjc.edu |
Basemeh RihanBasemeh Rihan |
Communication |
brihan@msjc.edu |
Tara Rio
Tara Rio
Communication |
tario@msjc.edu |
Kathalena Rios
Kathalena Rios
Learning Resource Center |
krios@msjc.edu |
Mark Ritter
Mark Ritter
Chemistry |
mritter@msjc.edu |
Amber Rivera
Amber Rivera
Student Life & Development |
amrivera@msjc.edu |
Ann Marie Rivera
Ann Marie Rivera
Anatomy and Physiology |
arivera@msjc.edu |
Vanessa Rivera Del Rio
Vanessa Rivera Del Rio
Biological Science |
vriveradelrio@msjc.edu |
Victor Rivera Vargas
Victor Rivera Vargas
Maintenance and Operations |
vriveravargas@msjc.edu |
Anne Rizzacasa
Anne Rizzacasa
Biological Science |
arizzacasa@msjc.edu |
Allison Roberts
Allison Roberts
Math |
aroberts@msjc.edu |
Georgia Roberts
Georgia Roberts
Health Services |
groberts@msjc.edu |
Paul Roberts
Paul Roberts
Anthropology |
proberts@msjc.edu |
Jillian Robertson
Jillian Robertson
Math |
jrobertson@msjc.edu |
Boris Robinson
Boris Robinson
Administration of Justice |
brobinson@msjc.edu |
Francisca Robinson
Francisca Robinson
Foreign Languages |
frobinson@msjc.edu |
Kiara Robinson
Kiara Robinson
Financial Aid |
krobinson@msjc.edu |
Kyle Robinson
Kyle Robinson
Instruction Office |
kyrobinson@msjc.edu |
Maria Rocha
Maria Rocha
Math |
marocha@msjc.edu |
Cesar Rodriguez
Cesar Rodriguez
Information Technology |
cerodriguez@msjc.edu |
Irais Rodriguez
Irais Rodriguez
Biological Sciences |
irodriguez@msjc.edu |
Jessica Rodriguez
Jessica Rodriguez
Counseling Services |
jrodriguez@msjc.edu |
Julio Rodriguez
Julio Rodriguez
Administration of Justice |
jurodriguez@msjc.edu |
Nadchely Rodriguez
Nadchely Rodriguez
Instruction Office |
nrodriguez@msjc.edu |
Magali Rodriguez Patricio
Magali Rodriguez Patricio
mrodriguezpatricio@msjc.edu |
Nelky Rodriguez Torres
Nelky Rodriguez Torres
Continuing Education |
nrodrigueztorres@msjc.edu |
Amber Rogers
Amber Rogers
Athletics |
arogers@msjc.edu |
Christopher Rogers
Christopher Rogers
Academic Technology Services |
chrogers@msjc.edu |
Jeremy Rogers
Jeremy Rogers
American Sign Language |
jrogers@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Rojas
Cynthia Rojas
Health |
crojas@msjc.edu |
E Rojas-Delgado
E Rojas-Delgado
Foreign Languages |
edelgado@msjc.edu |
Dennis Rollins
Dennis Rollins
Information Technology |
drollins@msjc.edu |
Lila Romero
Lila Romero
Communication |
lromero@msjc.edu |
Ryan Romero
Ryan Romero
Anatomy and Physiology |
ryromero@msjc.edu |
Lisbeth Rosales
Lisbeth Rosales
Foreign Languages |
lrosales@msjc.edu |
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
rross@msjc.edu |
Kristeena Roth
Kristeena Roth
American Sign Language |
kthaten@msjc.edu |
David Rowell
David Rowell
Instruction Office |
drowell@msjc.edu |
Brooke Roy
Brooke Roy
Accommodation Service Center |
broy@msjc.edu |
Joselyn Ruffin
Joselyn Ruffin
Accounting |
jruffin@msjc.edu |
Maria Ruffin
Maria Ruffin
Accounting |
mruffin@msjc.edu |
Kevin Ruiter
Kevin Ruiter
Biological Science |
kruiter@msjc.edu |
Noelia Ruiz
Noelia Ruiz
Learning Resource Center |
noruiz@msjc.edu |
Noelle Ruiz
Noelle Ruiz
Biological Science |
nruiz@msjc.edu |
Jose Ruiz Casias
Jose Ruiz Casias
Anatomy and Physiology |
jcasias@msjc.edu |
Dominique Ruiz Duarte
Dominique Ruiz Duarte
Learning Resource Center |
druizduarte@msjc.edu |
Ernesto Ruiz Velazquez
Ernesto Ruiz Velazquez
Maintenance and Operations |
eruizvelazquez@msjc.edu |
Terry Russell
Terry Russell
Student Services |
trussell@msjc.edu |
Anthony Russo
Anthony Russo
Payroll |
arusso@msjc.edu |
Salvatore (Tory) Russo
Salvatore (Tory) Russo
English |
sarusso@msjc.edu |
Shahla Sadjadi
Shahla Sadjadi
Math |
ssadjadi@msjc.edu |
Michael Salas
Michael Salas
Information Technology |
msalas@msjc.edu |
Ingabritt Salazar
Ingabritt Salazar
Nursing Science (clinical) |
isalazar@msjc.edu |
Emmanuel Salvador
Emmanuel Salvador
Campus Safety |
esalvador@msjc.edu |
Andrew Sanchez
Andrew Sanchez
Psychology |
adreymulari@msjc.edu |
Anthony Sanchez
Anthony Sanchez
Information Technology |
asanchez@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Sanchez
Cynthia Sanchez
Anatomy and Physiology |
csanchez@msjc.edu |
Gianna Sanchez
Gianna Sanchez
English |
gramirez@msjc.edu |
Gloria Sanchez
Gloria Sanchez
Accounting |
gsanchez@msjc.edu |
Rodrigo Sanchez
Rodrigo Sanchez
Maintenance and Operations |
rsanchez@msjc.edu |
Samuel Sanchez
Samuel Sanchez
Financial Aid |
ssanchez@msjc.edu |
Sonia Sanchez-Arce
Sonia Sanchez-Arce
Foreign Languages |
ssancheznavarro@msjc.edu |
Brittany Sandner
Brittany Sandner
Human Resources |
bsandner@msjc.edu |
Daniela Sandoval
Daniela Sandoval
Math |
dsandoval@msjc.edu |
Stephen Sandstrom
Stephen Sandstrom
Research |
ssandstrom@msjc.edu |
Professor Conchi SanfordProfessor Conchi Sanford |
Art |
csanford@msjc.edu |
Samantha Sangsanoi
Samantha Sangsanoi
Nursing |
ssangsanoi@msjc.edu |
Enrique Santiago
Enrique Santiago
Academic Technology Services |
ensantiago@msjc.edu |
Meghan Santone
Meghan Santone
American Sign Language |
msantone@msjc.edu |
Ruby Santos
Ruby Santos
Instruction Office |
rsantos@msjc.edu |
Micole Sarabia
Micole Sarabia
Instruction Office |
msarabia@msjc.edu |
Sandeep Sati
Sandeep Sati
Chemistry |
ssati@msjc.edu |
Edward Saucedo
Edward Saucedo
Human Resources |
esaucedo@msjc.edu |
Monica Saucedo
Monica Saucedo
Career Education |
msaucedo@msjc.edu |
Rebecca Saucedo
Rebecca Saucedo
English |
rsaucedo@msjc.edu |
Suzanne Saunders
Suzanne Saunders
English |
ssaunders@msjc.edu |
Candace Saunders-Grewe
Candace Saunders-Grewe
Communication |
cgrewe@msjc.edu |
John ScahillJohn Scahill |
Art |
jscahill@msjc.edu |
Dominick Scaletta
Dominick Scaletta
Physics |
dscaletta@msjc.edu |
Justin Schaeffer
Justin Schaeffer
Athletics |
jschaeffer@msjc.edu |
David Schatz
David Schatz
Accounting |
dschatz@msjc.edu |
Krystina Schieck
Krystina Schieck
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
kschieck@msjc.edu |
Austin Schmidt
Austin Schmidt
Athletics |
aschmidt@msjc.edu |
Nicholas Schneider
Nicholas Schneider
Environmental Technologies |
nschneider@msjc.edu |
James Scholl
James Scholl
Paramedics |
jscholl@msjc.edu |
Peter Schuler
Peter Schuler
English |
pschuler@msjc.edu |
Roger Schultz
Roger Schultz
President's Office |
rschultz@msjc.edu |
Michael Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
English |
mschwartz@msjc.edu |
Corigan Scott
Corigan Scott
Enrollment Services |
cscott@msjc.edu |
Tanya Scott
Tanya Scott
Enrollment Services |
tscott@msjc.edu |
Amanda Scukanec
Amanda Scukanec
English |
afierro@msjc.edu |
Charles SeagerCharles Seager |
Math |
cseager@msjc.edu |
Brett Sealander
Brett Sealander
Philosophy |
bsealander@msjc.edu |
Stacey Searl-Chapin
Stacey Searl-Chapin
Political Science |
schapin@msjc.edu |
Stephen Secules
Stephen Secules
Art |
ssecules@msjc.edu |
John SeedJohn Seed |
Art |
jseed@msjc.edu |
Ken Seeley
Ken Seeley
Information Technology |
kseeley@msjc.edu |
Crystal Sepulveda
Crystal Sepulveda
Dance |
csepulveda@msjc.edu |
Diana SerranoDiana Serrano |
Counseling |
dserrano@msjc.edu |
Alex Serrato
Alex Serrato
Radiological Technology |
alserrato@msjc.edu |
Mona Shadia
Mona Shadia
Political Science |
mshadia@msjc.edu |
Vaishali Sharma
Vaishali Sharma
Biological Science |
vsharma@msjc.edu |
Bahram Sherkat
Bahram Sherkat
Math |
bsherkat@msjc.edu |
Madison Shockley
Madison Shockley
English |
mshockley@msjc.edu |
Elden Shoemaker
Elden Shoemaker
Maintenance and Operations |
eshoemaker@msjc.edu |
Emad ShonodaEmad Shonoda |
Math |
eshonoda@msjc.edu |
Chris Shoults
Chris Shoults
English |
cshoults@msjc.edu |
Kelly Sievers
Kelly Sievers
Diagnostic Medical Technology |
ksievers@msjc.edu |
Jilema Silver
Jilema Silver
Instruction Office |
jsilver@msjc.edu |
Avante Simmons
Avante Simmons
Career Education |
asimmons@msjc.edu |
Demitrus Simpson
Demitrus Simpson
Athletics |
dsimpson@msjc.edu |
David Sisk
David Sisk
Political Science |
dsisk@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Sisson
Jennifer Sisson
Nursing |
jsisson@msjc.edu |
Trent Skinner
Trent Skinner
Athletics |
tskinner@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Skyers-Gordon
Cynthia Skyers-Gordon
cskyersgordon@msjc.edu |
Lorraine Slattery
Lorraine Slattery
lslattery@msjc.edu |
Ervin Slavick
Ervin Slavick
Political Science |
eslavick@msjc.edu |
Jeffrey Slepski
Jeffrey Slepski
Anatomy and Physiology |
jslepski@msjc.edu |
Calvin Smith
Calvin Smith
President's Office |
calsmith@msjc.edu |
Cheryl Smith
Cheryl Smith
Academic Technology Services |
csmith@msjc.edu |
Danelle Smith
Danelle Smith
Counseling |
dansmith@msjc.edu |
David Smith
David Smith
Maintenance and Operations |
davsmith@msjc.edu |
David Smith
David Smith
Philosophy |
dasmith@msjc.edu |
Jay Smith
Jay Smith
Information Technology |
jasmith@msjc.edu |
Kendall Smith
Kendall Smith
English |
kesmith@msjc.edu |
Ramon Smith
Ramon Smith
Communication |
rasmith@msjc.edu |
Samantha Smith
Samantha Smith
Athletics |
sasmith@msjc.edu |
Samuel Smith
Samuel Smith
Academic Technology Services |
ssmith@msjc.edu |
Tamara Smith
Tamara Smith
History |
tsmith@msjc.edu |
Wendy Smith
Wendy Smith
Math |
wensmith@msjc.edu |
Xavier Smith
Xavier Smith
Athletics |
xsmith@msjc.edu |
Derek Snider
Derek Snider
Foreign Languages |
dsnider@msjc.edu |
Shirley Soghanalian
Shirley Soghanalian
Library Science |
ssoghanalian@msjc.edu |
Estefany Solis
Estefany Solis
Accommodation Service Center |
esolis@msjc.edu |
Melissa Solis
Melissa Solis
Accommodation Service Center |
msolis@msjc.edu |
Tatiana Somers
Tatiana Somers
Counseling |
tsomers@msjc.edu |
Kenneth Son
Kenneth Son
Maintenance and Operations |
kson@msjc.edu |
Lina Son
Lina Son
Food Services |
lson@msjc.edu |
Soohyun Son
Soohyun Son
Music |
sson@msjc.edu |
Kathryn Sorensen
Kathryn Sorensen
Anthropology |
ksorensen@msjc.edu |
Guillermo Soriano Fregoso
Guillermo Soriano Fregoso
Nursing Science (clinical) |
gsorianofregoso@msjc.edu |
Adesanya Soyemi
Adesanya Soyemi
Computer Information Systems |
asoyemi@msjc.edu |
Michael Spaulding
Michael Spaulding
Fire Technolgy |
mspaulding@msjc.edu |
Bradley Spence
Bradley Spence
Art |
bspence@msjc.edu |
Andrew Spires
Andrew Spires
Library |
aspires@msjc.edu |
Rdean Spivacke
Rdean Spivacke
Administration of Justice |
rspivacke@msjc.edu |
Kelsey Sportsman
Kelsey Sportsman
Sociology |
ksportsman@msjc.edu |
Gregory Sprenkle
Gregory Sprenkle
English |
gsprenkle@msjc.edu |
Lisa Sprenkle
Lisa Sprenkle
Math |
lsprenkle@msjc.edu |
Lauren SpringerLauren Springer |
Instructional Services |
lspringer@msjc.edu |
Patrick Springer
Patrick Springer
Student Services |
pspringer@msjc.edu |
Stephanie Staab
Stephanie Staab
Wine Industry and Technology |
sstaab@msjc.edu |
Aaron Stafford
Aaron Stafford
Information Technology |
astafford@msjc.edu |
Kate Stahl-
Kate Stahl-
Dance |
kkovell@msjc.edu |
Vera Stamenkovic
Vera Stamenkovic
Biological Science |
vstamenkovic@msjc.edu |
Samantha St Claire
Samantha St Claire
English |
sstclaire@msjc.edu |
Robert Stecher
Robert Stecher
Campus Safety |
rstecher@msjc.edu |
Colin Steele
Colin Steele
Communication |
csteele@msjc.edu |
Melissa Steele
Melissa Steele
Nursing Science (clinical) |
msteele@msjc.edu |
Andrew Steinberg
Andrew Steinberg
Music |
asteinberg@msjc.edu |
Dejan Stekovic
Dejan Stekovic
Chemistry |
dstekovic@msjc.edu |
Glenn Stevenson
Glenn Stevenson
Computer Information Systems |
gstevenson@msjc.edu |
Michelle Stewart
Michelle Stewart
English |
mstewart@msjc.edu |
Lucas Stidham
Lucas Stidham
Automotive/Transportation Tech |
lstidham@msjc.edu |
Anna Stirling
Anna Stirling
Information Technology |
astirling@msjc.edu |
Collin Stocke
Collin Stocke
Biological Science |
cstocke@msjc.edu |
Anna Stokes
Anna Stokes
Nursing Science (clinical) |
astokes@msjc.edu |
Catherine Stokes
Catherine Stokes
English |
cstokes@msjc.edu |
Dessia Stokes
Dessia Stokes
Nursing |
destokes@msjc.edu |
Jeannine Stokes
Jeannine Stokes
Human Resources |
jstokes@msjc.edu |
Alyssa Stone
Alyssa Stone
Communication |
astone@msjc.edu |
Jensea Storie
Jensea Storie
English |
jstorie@msjc.edu |
Bradley Stradling
Bradley Stradling
Counseling |
bstradling@msjc.edu |
Patricia Strate
Patricia Strate
Spanish (see World Languages) |
pstrate@msjc.edu |
Katherine Stratton
Katherine Stratton
Information Technology |
kstratton@msjc.edu |
Adrienne Stroik
Adrienne Stroik
Dance |
astroik@msjc.edu |
Matthew Stromberg
Matthew Stromberg
Art |
mstromberg@msjc.edu |
Nursing |
msuarez@msjc.edu |
Jan Suitt
Jan Suitt
Library |
jsuitt@msjc.edu |
Ryan SullivanRyan Sullivan |
English |
rsullivan@msjc.edu |
Ryan Sulman
Ryan Sulman
Psychology |
rsulman@msjc.edu |
Emina Sulych
Emina Sulych
GIS/Geography |
esulych@msjc.edu |
Valerie Suzuki
Valerie Suzuki
Accounting |
vsuzuki@msjc.edu |
Bianca Swan-FinchBianca Swan-Finch |
Theatre |
bswanfinch@msjc.edu |
Laura Sweeney
Laura Sweeney
History |
lsweeney@msjc.edu |
Brian Sylva
Brian Sylva
President's Office |
bsylva@msjc.edu |
Daniel Szeto
Daniel Szeto
Chemistry |
dszeto@msjc.edu |
Canh Ta
Canh Ta
Anatomy and Physiology |
cta@msjc.edu |
Marissa Taffolla
Marissa Taffolla
Career Education |
mtaffolla@msjc.edu |
Elaine Talamaivao
Elaine Talamaivao
Dance |
etalamaivao@msjc.edu |
Gabriella Tallmadge
Gabriella Tallmadge
English |
gtallmadge@msjc.edu |
Shawnte Tamasoaalii
Shawnte Tamasoaalii
stamasoaalii@msjc.edu |
Amanda Tapp
Amanda Tapp
Accommodation Service Center |
atapp@msjc.edu |
Stephen Tardy
Stephen Tardy
Health Care |
stardy@msjc.edu |
Virginia Tasulis-Shepard
Virginia Tasulis-Shepard
Psychology |
vtasulis@msjc.edu |
Desiray Taylor
Desiray Taylor
detaylor@msjc.edu |
Rebecca Teague
Rebecca Teague
Student Services |
rteague@msjc.edu |
Jacob Teran
Jacob Teran
English |
jteran@msjc.edu |
Christian Tercero
Christian Tercero
Maintenance and Operations |
ctercero@msjc.edu |
Dustin Texeira
Dustin Texeira
Nursing |
dtexeira@msjc.edu |
Kathleen Theis
Kathleen Theis
English |
ktheis@msjc.edu |
Albert Thomas
Albert Thomas
Maintenance and Operations |
athomas@msjc.edu |
Nicole Thompson
Nicole Thompson
Nursing Science (clinical) |
nthompson@msjc.edu |
Selene Thornton
Selene Thornton
Payroll |
sthornton@msjc.edu |
Mia Timme
Mia Timme
Instruction Office |
mtimme@msjc.edu |
Velia Tirado
Velia Tirado
vtirado@msjc.edu |
Martha Tirado Espinoza
Martha Tirado Espinoza
mtiradoespinoza@msjc.edu |
Aaron Tolopilo
Aaron Tolopilo
Biological Science |
atolopilo@msjc.edu |
Joshua Tolopilo
Joshua Tolopilo
Chemistry |
jtolopilo@msjc.edu |
Lyndsey Tone
Lyndsey Tone
Instruction Office |
ltone@msjc.edu |
Safieh Tork Ladani
Safieh Tork Ladani
Chemistry |
storkladani@msjc.edu |
Candice Torres
Candice Torres
Financial Aid |
catorres@msjc.edu |
John Torres Torres
John Torres Torres
Anthropology |
jtorres@msjc.edu |
Marco Torres
Marco Torres
Health |
mtorres@msjc.edu |
Katherin Torres Garcia
Katherin Torres Garcia
ktorresgarcia@msjc.edu |
Ricky Toth
Ricky Toth
Career Education |
rtoth@msjc.edu |
Carlos Tovares
Carlos Tovares
Instructional Services |
ctovares@msjc.edu |
Toby Townsend
Toby Townsend
Philosophy |
ttownsend@msjc.edu |
Catherine Trevino
Catherine Trevino
Accommodation Service Center |
ctrevino@msjc.edu |
Donna-Maria Trewhella
Donna-Maria Trewhella
Communication |
dtrewhella@msjc.edu |
John TribelhornJohn Tribelhorn |
Music |
jtribelhorn@msjc.edu |
Sharese Tronti
Sharese Tronti
Biological Science |
stronti@msjc.edu |
Marcus Troutman
Marcus Troutman
Political Science |
mtroutman@msjc.edu |
Anthony Truong
Anthony Truong
Digital Media |
atruong@msjc.edu |
Shujian Tsuen
Shujian Tsuen
Biological Science |
stsuen@msjc.edu |
Evan Tucker
Evan Tucker
Library |
etucker@msjc.edu |
Karli Tucker
Karli Tucker
Art |
ktucker@msjc.edu |
Lesette Tunnell-Fletcher
Lesette Tunnell-Fletcher
Business and Management |
lfletcher@msjc.edu |
Tessa Turner
Tessa Turner
Biological Science |
tturner@msjc.edu |
Brian Twitty
Brian Twitty
Maintenance and Operations |
btwitty@msjc.edu |
Suzanne UhlSuzanne Uhl |
Communication |
suhl@msjc.edu |
Armine Ulmer
Armine Ulmer
Foreign Languages |
aulmer@msjc.edu |
Silvana Unciano
Silvana Unciano
Enrollment Services |
sunciano@msjc.edu |
Masako Ura
Masako Ura
Psychology |
mura@msjc.edu |
Corina Urias
Corina Urias
Enrollment Services |
curias@msjc.edu |
Yvonne Urias
Yvonne Urias
Counseling |
yurias@msjc.edu |
Abigail Uribe
Abigail Uribe
English |
auribe@msjc.edu |
Samuel Uribe
Samuel Uribe
Maintenance and Operations |
sauribe@msjc.edu |
Jessica Ussher
Jessica Ussher
Political Science |
jussher@msjc.edu |
Arasely Valadez-Downey
Arasely Valadez-Downey
Foreign Languages |
adowney@msjc.edu |
Alfonso Valdes-Hernandez
Alfonso Valdes-Hernandez
Maintenance and Operations |
avaldes@msjc.edu |
Jorge Valdez
Jorge Valdez
Math |
jvaldez@msjc.edu |
Maria Valdez
Maria Valdez
Career Education |
mvaldez@msjc.edu |
Susie Valdez
Susie Valdez
svaldez@msjc.edu |
Vanessa Valdez
Vanessa Valdez
Instruction Office |
vvaldez@msjc.edu |
Elizabeth Valdivia
Elizabeth Valdivia
Health Services |
evaldivia@msjc.edu |
Jaime Valdovino
Jaime Valdovino
Music |
jvaldovino@msjc.edu |
April Valencia
April Valencia
English |
avalencia@msjc.edu |
Horacio Valenzuela
Horacio Valenzuela
Library |
rvalenzuela@msjc.edu |
Edgar Valladares Garcia
Edgar Valladares Garcia
Campus Safety |
evalladaresgarcia@msjc.edu |
John Vandenburgh
John Vandenburgh
Instructional Support Services |
jvandenburgh@msjc.edu |
Crystal Vanderwal
Crystal Vanderwal
Accommodation Service Center |
cvanderwal@msjc.edu |
Selissa Vang
Selissa Vang
Financial Aid |
svang@msjc.edu |
Amelia Van Vleck
Amelia Van Vleck
English |
avanvleck@msjc.edu |
Anthony Vargas
Anthony Vargas
Biological Science |
avargas@msjc.edu |
Cynthia Vargas
Cynthia Vargas
Counseling |
cvargas@msjc.edu |
Gary Vargas
Gary Vargas
History |
gvargas@msjc.edu |
Lora Vasquez
Lora Vasquez
Accounting |
lovasquez@msjc.edu |
Samuel Vasquez Reyes
Samuel Vasquez Reyes
History |
svasquezreyes@msjc.edu |
Stephen Vaughan
Stephen Vaughan
Music |
svaughan@msjc.edu |
Karen Vaught
Karen Vaught
English |
kvaught@msjc.edu |
Jennifer Vazquez
Jennifer Vazquez
Dance |
jvazquez@msjc.edu |
Nohora Vazquez
Nohora Vazquez
Continuing Education |
nvazquez@msjc.edu |
Jovani Vazquez Ramirez
Jovani Vazquez Ramirez
Maintenance and Operations |
jvazquezramirez@msjc.edu |
Cheri Veilleux
Cheri Veilleux
English |
cveilleux@msjc.edu |
Jesus Velasco
Jesus Velasco
Public Information |
jvelasco@msjc.edu |
titi Vera
titi Vera
Cafeteria |
rvera@msjc.edu |
Sonia Verduzco
Sonia Verduzco
Career Education |
sverduzco@msjc.edu |
Amanda Vickers
Amanda Vickers
Political Science |
avickers@msjc.edu |
Mark Victor
Mark Victor
Chemistry |
mvictor@msjc.edu |
Kaleigh Vilchez-Russell
Kaleigh Vilchez-Russell
Biological Science |
karussell@msjc.edu |
Daniel Villa
Daniel Villa
Math |
dvilla@msjc.edu |
Angel Villalobos
Angel Villalobos
Health Services |
avillalobos@msjc.edu |
Kestutis Vizgirda
Kestutis Vizgirda
Chemistry |
kvizgirda@msjc.edu |
Michelle Vogel Trautt
Michelle Vogel Trautt
Psychology |
mvogeltrautt@msjc.edu |
Michael Voss
Michael Voss
Physical Education |
mvoss@msjc.edu |
April Vrtis
April Vrtis
Counseling |
avrtis@msjc.edu |
Hilary Wagner
Hilary Wagner
Accommodation Service Center |
hwagner@msjc.edu |
David Wake
David Wake
Mathematics |
dwake@msjc.edu |
Salena Wakim
Salena Wakim
Anthropology |
swakim@msjc.edu |
Samson Wakjira
Samson Wakjira
Economics |
swakjira@msjc.edu |
Ahmad Walid
Ahmad Walid
Math |
awalid@msjc.edu |
Eric WalkerEric Walker |
Communication |
ewalker@msjc.edu |
Aiden Wallace
Aiden Wallace
Accommodation Service Center |
awallace@msjc.edu |
Nathan Wallace
Nathan Wallace
Political Science |
nwallace@msjc.edu |
David Walthall
David Walthall
Maintenance and Operations |
dwalthall@msjc.edu |
Harrison Ward
Harrison Ward
Facil Plan and Capital Outlay |
hward@msjc.edu |
Patti Ward
Patti Ward
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
pward@msjc.edu |
April Wardwell
April Wardwell
Counseling |
awardwell@msjc.edu |
Angelina Warner
Angelina Warner
Psychology |
awarner@msjc.edu |
Dalonie Washington
Dalonie Washington
Psychology |
dwashington@msjc.edu |
Latonya Washington
Latonya Washington
Multimedia |
lwashington@msjc.edu |
Brian Wasson
Brian Wasson
Maintenance and Operations |
bwasson@msjc.edu |
Delaynee Watson
Delaynee Watson
Accommodation Service Center |
dwatson@msjc.edu |
Dr. Michele WeberDr. Michele Weber |
Communication |
mweber@msjc.edu |
Joel Webster
Joel Webster
Math |
jwebster@msjc.edu |
Maddie Wedeking
Maddie Wedeking
Information Technology |
mwedeking@msjc.edu |
Lindsay Weiler
Lindsay Weiler
History |
lweiler@msjc.edu |
Melissa Welch
Melissa Welch
Photography |
mwelch@msjc.edu |
Niedha Welch
Niedha Welch
Psychology |
nwelch@msjc.edu |
Deborah Wells
Deborah Wells
delewis@msjc.edu |
Nisha Wells
Nisha Wells
Environmental Technologies |
nwells@msjc.edu |
David Welton
David Welton
Physics |
dwelton@msjc.edu |
Alyssa West
Alyssa West
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
awest@msjc.edu |
Daniel West
Daniel West
Theatre |
dwest@msjc.edu |
Daisy Wettstein
Daisy Wettstein
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
dwettstein@msjc.edu |
Jess Whalen
Jess Whalen
Anthropology |
jwhalen@msjc.edu |
Debra White
Debra White
Communication |
dewhite@msjc.edu |
Jessica White
Jessica White
Athletics |
jewhite@msjc.edu |
Joshua White
Joshua White
Biological Science |
jowhite@msjc.edu |
Karie White
Karie White
Counseling |
kwhite@msjc.edu |
Kimberly White
Kimberly White
kiwhite@msjc.edu |
Marina White
Marina White
Political Science |
mwhite@msjc.edu |
Lene Whitley-Putz
Lene Whitley-Putz
Communication |
lputz@msjc.edu |
Yarick Whitmore
Yarick Whitmore
Counseling |
ywhitmore@msjc.edu |
James Wiesen
James Wiesen
Instructional Support Services |
jwiesen@msjc.edu |
Tamra Wiggins
Tamra Wiggins
Radiological Technology |
twiggins@msjc.edu |
Marcus Wilcher
Marcus Wilcher
Music |
mwilcher@msjc.edu |
Matthew Willard
Matthew Willard
Athletics |
mwillard@msjc.edu |
Rebecca Williams
Rebecca Williams
Psychology |
rewilliams@msjc.edu |
Shanae Williams
Shanae Williams
Financial Aid |
swilliams@msjc.edu |
Nancy Wilson
Nancy Wilson
English |
nwilson@msjc.edu |
Thomas Windmiller
Thomas Windmiller
Interdisciplinary Studies |
twindmiller@msjc.edu |
Susan Winslow
Susan Winslow
English |
swinslow@msjc.edu |
Escarlet Wirth
Escarlet Wirth
Counseling |
ewirth@msjc.edu |
Dawn Witt
Dawn Witt
VP of Human Resources |
dwitt@msjc.edu |
Angela Wohlfarth
Angela Wohlfarth
History |
awohlfarth@msjc.edu |
Joe Wojcik
Joe Wojcik
Law |
jwojcik@msjc.edu |
Andrea Wold
Andrea Wold
Art |
awold@msjc.edu |
Michelle Wong
Michelle Wong
Business Services |
mwong@msjc.edu |
Kendra Woodcock
Kendra Woodcock
kwoodcock@msjc.edu |
Timothy Woods
Timothy Woods
Athletics |
twoods@msjc.edu |
Taryn Woolbright
Taryn Woolbright
Counseling |
twoolbright@msjc.edu |
Zita Worley
Zita Worley
History |
zworley@msjc.edu |
Elizabeth Worthington
Elizabeth Worthington
VP of Business Services |
eworthington@msjc.edu |
Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright
GIS/Geography |
jwright@msjc.edu |
Pamela Wright
Pamela Wright
Instructional Services |
pwright@msjc.edu |
Michael Wu
Michael Wu
Campus Safety |
mwu@msjc.edu |
Barbara Wucherpfennig
Barbara Wucherpfennig
Art |
bmilliorn@msjc.edu |
Michael Wyer
Michael Wyer
Campus Safety |
mwyer@msjc.edu |
Yi Fan Xu
Yi Fan Xu
Financial Aid |
yxu@msjc.edu |
Christina Yamanaka-Vu
Christina Yamanaka-Vu
History |
cyamanaka@msjc.edu |
Al Yankee
Al Yankee
Music |
ayankee@msjc.edu |
Sekou Yansane
Sekou Yansane
Athletics |
syansane@msjc.edu |
Maher Yassine
Maher Yassine
Math |
myassine@msjc.edu |
Stephanie Ybarra
Stephanie Ybarra
Human Resources |
sybarra@msjc.edu |
Maria Yetter
Maria Yetter
Spanish (see World Languages) |
myetter@msjc.edu |
Jane Yoo
Jane Yoo
Math |
jyoo@msjc.edu |
Corinna York
Corinna York
Career Education |
cyork@msjc.edu |
Teresa Yost
Teresa Yost
Accommodation Service Center |
tyost@msjc.edu |
Cameron Young
Cameron Young
English |
cyoung@msjc.edu |
Derrick Young
Derrick Young
CalWORKS / Job Connect |
dyoung@msjc.edu |
Meredith Young
Meredith Young
English |
myoung@msjc.edu |
Heydar Zahedani
Heydar Zahedani
Math |
hzahedani@msjc.edu |
Naseam Zaher
Naseam Zaher
Communication |
nzaher@msjc.edu |
Mark Zajac
Mark Zajac
Anthropology |
mzajac@msjc.edu |
Nicholis Zappia
Nicholis Zappia
Instruction Office |
nzappia@msjc.edu |
Raymond Zarate
Raymond Zarate
Comm Ed & Workplace Training |
rzrs@msjc.edu |
Steven Zarate
Steven Zarate
Automotive/Transportation Tech |
szarate@msjc.edu |
Gerardo Zavala Moron
Gerardo Zavala Moron
Math |
gzavalamoron@msjc.edu |
Omid Zebarjadi
Omid Zebarjadi
Health Services |
ozebarjadi@msjc.edu |
joe zeigler
joe zeigler
Real Estate |
jzeigler@msjc.edu |
Jesus Zepeda Cosio
Jesus Zepeda Cosio
Drafting/Cadd |
jzepedacosio@msjc.edu |
Nicole Zink
Nicole Zink
English |
nzink@msjc.edu |
Peter Zografos
Peter Zografos
Health |
pzografos@msjc.edu |
Lizbeth Zuniga
Lizbeth Zuniga
Human Resources |
lzuniga@msjc.edu |
Tomas Zuniga
Tomas Zuniga
Maintenance and Operations |
tzuniga@msjc.edu |
Alexandra Zuniga Franco
Alexandra Zuniga Franco
Enrollment Services |
azunigafranco@msjc.edu |
Jamila Zuwayed
Jamila Zuwayed
Psychology |
jzuwayed@msjc.edu |