Shelby Reinsch began her college career at Mt. San Jacinto College, earning an A.A. in English before transferring to Cal State San Bernardino. There, she earned two B.A. in English degrees, one in Literature and one in Linguistics, along with an M.A. in English and Writing Studies with a concentration in Literature. She began her teaching career at Cal State San Bernardino, teaching a class she truly loved called Diversity Literature and Social Justice. Since then, she has taught Composition, Critical Thinking, and Multiethnic American Literature, as well as developed and facilitated a Culturally Responsive Teaching faculty training course. She is always striving for new ways to enhance diversity, responsiveness, and student agency in her classes through professional development and collaboration with fellow faculty. Her scholarly interests include feminist and postcolonial theory, the horror genre, linguistic diversity, and studying literature as a tool for empathy.