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TEDS Welcome

Welcome to the Teacher Education and Developmental Studies program at Mt. San Jacinto College.

Mission Statement: 

The Teacher Education and Developmental Studies Program is devoted to being a leader and partner in preparing our community of diverse learners to become competent, caring, and reflective educators and professionals who will advocate for and empower children and families in the 21st century.

The faculty and staff are happy that you are considering a career working with children and families.  We are committed to preparing you to be a highly qualified professional and excited about your potential!

The department's renaming reflects additional degree and teacher certificate options and will draw attention to new focus areas emphasizing disciplinary developments. The department offers a variety of certificates designed to prepare you for a career working with children birth through age eight years. Professionals with TEDS coursework or an AS Degree in TEDS might obtain employment in Preschools, Elementary Schools or Child Care Centers or can continue their education and work towards careers as Early Interventionists, Social Workers, Mental Health Therapists, Child Life Specialists and K-12 Teachers along with various other opportunities.

The department offers three degrees and two certificates designed to prepare you for a career working with children birth through age eight years.  Professionals with TEDS coursework or an AS Degree in TEDS might obtain employment in Preschools, Elementary Schools or Child Care Centers or can continue their education and work towards careers as Early Interventionists, Social Workers, Mental Health Therapists, Child Life Specialists and K-12 Teachers along with various other opportunities

Specifically, for the career goal of an Elementary School Teacher, an AS Degree is Child Development can be a better option than a degree in Liberal Studies. A CDE degree will better prepare you with an understanding of children's development and their unique needs. According to NAEYC "Teachers who are knowledgeable about child development and learning are able to make broad predictions about what children of a particular age group typically will be like, what they typically will and will not be capable of, and what strategies and approaches will most likely promote their optimal learning and development" (2009, NAEYC).

The Teacher Education and Developmental Studies program offers a variety of course options to fit your needs.  We offer classes at our San Jacinto, Menifee Valley Campus and the Temecula Education Complex.  Additionally, courses can be taken fully online or face –to- face in the day and evening.

Our Teacher Education and Developmental Studies program is supported by the Child Development and Education Center Lab program.  Our program benefits from placing students in the lab for observation and/or work experience.  The Child Development and Education Center offers early care and education to children 18 month – 5 years of age. These services are available to MSJC students and community members.  The CDEC allows the department to provide students hands-on real life experience.

Feel free to visit with a full time faculty member in person at the Child Development and Education Center.  You can also reach faculty at:  

Faculty MVC: Dr. Michelle Harper
Faculty MVC: Linda Middleton
Faculty SJC: Lorraine Slattery
Faculty SJC: Dr. Susie Valdez

To get started please be sure to apply to MSJC.  For General Advising after you register, feel free to call 951-639-5567 to schedule a counseling appointment.

The MSJC TEDS faculty wish you the very best in your pursuit to become a leader in the field of teacher education and developmental studies. We look forward to meeting you in person and hearing more about your academic and career goals.  
