Child Development Training Consortium
The Child Development Training Consortium's (CDTC) primary goal is to work with the State of California's early childhood professionals to support professional development. The California Department of Education, Child Development Division (CDE/CDD) funds the program at most California Community Colleges. The CDTC will pay the application processing fees for many levels of the Child Development Permit.
At Mt. San Jacinto College, the CDTC programs supports students with a financial stipend who are:
- Seeking a new or maintaining a currently held Child Development Permit,
- Employed by a child care/development program including licensed family child care homes. Center-based programs must be licensed or eligible for an exception.
- Completed all eligible courses with a “C” grade or better
All stipends are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds are limited
To Apply:
1) Please complete the directions on this Student Application at the beginning of the the Fall or Spring Semester.
Or you can go to to complete the online profile.
2) Submit the Hard Copy of Student Profile to CDTC Coordinator Dr. Michelle Harper within 45 days from the start of the Fall and/or Spring term. For more information please contact Dr. Michelle Harper at or Robin Suitt at Please send hard copies of the hard copy of the application to:
Mt. San Jacinto College
Attn: Michelle Harper
28237 La Piedra Road
Menifee, CA 92584
For more information on the services of the Child Development Training Consortium please visit their website.