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Eligibility, Services & Accommodations

Who is Eligible?

To be served by the ASC, the student must have a verified disability which results in an educational limitation that inhibits the student's ability to participate in the general educational program of the college without additional specialized services. (Title 5 Regulations, Section 56006.)

The existence of an impairment may be verified, using procedures prescribed by the Chancellor, by one of the following means:

  1. observation by ASC professional staff with review by the ASC coordinator;
  2. assessment by appropriate ASC professional staff; or
  3. review of documentation provided by appropriate agencies or certified or licensed professionals outside of the ASC.

The student's educational limitations must be identified by appropriate ASC professional staff and described in the Academic Accommodations Plan (AAP, prev. known as the Student Educational Contract -SEC) required pursuant to Section 56022. Eligibility for each service provided must be directly related to an educational limitation consistent with Section 56000(b) and Section 56004.

NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 56006, 67312, 70901 and 84850, Education Code. Reference: Sections 56006, 67310- 67312 and 84850, Education Code.

Examples of disabilities may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Acquired brain injuries (ABI)
  • Asperger's Syndrome
  • Attention deficit disorders (ADD)
  • Autism
  • Cardiac conditions
  • Chronic illnesses including HIV
  • Chronic pain disorders (CPD)
  • Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH)
  • Developmental delays
  • Diabetes
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mobility disabilities
  • Psychological disabilities
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Seizure disorders
  • Visual disabilities
  • Other

Services & Accommodations

Individualized accommodations are approved by the ASC counselor in collaboration with the student and based upon educational limitations resulting from the student's documented disability.

If you are in need of services or if you are unsure if services are needed, please reach out to any ASC office as soon as possible.
The ASC is on campus for YOU and will make every possible attempt to resolve and assist all students.

Examples of services available through the ASC that are over and above those regularly offered by the college might consist of:

  • test-taking facilitation
  • assessment for learning disabilities
  • specialized counseling
  • interpreter services for hearing-impaired or deaf students
  • mobility assistance
  • note taker services
  • reader services
  • alternate media services
  • access to adaptive equipment
  • registration assistance