Study Skills Workshops
Upcoming Workshops
Semester Lift-off:
Building Momentum for Success
Test Triumph:
Strategies for Acing Exams
Soaring into a Successful Semester
Order Out of Chaos:
Mastering Organizational Skills
Voice Your Victory:
Developing Self-Advocacy Skills
Master Effective Note-Taking Strategies
Acing the Exam: Test-Taking Strategies
Efficient Learning: College Study Skills and Strategies
Test-Taking Strategies
Note-Taking Strategies
Stay Focused and Maintain Attention
Off to a Good Start
Plan, Organize and Manage Time
Notetaking Strategies
Starting the Semester Right
Study Smarter, Not Harder
Finishing the Semester Strong
Starting the Semester Strong
Managing Your Time Wisely
Doing Better on Exams
Taking a Breather
Road to Academic Recovery
Training Your Brain
Focus and Concentration
Stress and Wellness
Building Up Your Notes
Test Anxiety
Managing Your Time Wisely
Preparing for a Successful Semester