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Personalized Academic Learning Skills (PALS)

(formerly Learning Skills Program)

Program Description

To promote a culture of equity and inclusion, our services are designed to support the entire MSJC student population. This includes students with learning disabilities, students with a history of delayed academic achievement or who have had difficulty mastering basic skills and all neuro-diverse learners who may benefit from PALS' personalized instruction and services.

Personalized Academic Learning Skills (PALS) offers specialized instruction and services to students who are identified as having specific learning disabilities under the California Community College Learning Disability and Eligibility and Services Model (LDESM). Specific learning disabilities are often due to constitutional, genetic, and or neurological factors and are not primarily due to visual or auditory sensory deficits, mobility limitations, severe emotional disturbances, economic disadvantage, cultural or language differences.

A Learning Disabilities assessment is designed to determine strengths and weaknesses, educational limitations and compensatory strategies. Specialized classes in study skills and mathematics support teach compensatory strategies designed to help students maximize their success in college. Services include computer technologies, personalized tutoring, individualized assistance, PALS courses, and study skills workshops.

Mission Statement

The Personalized Academic Learning Skills (PALS) program provides assessment and strategic, personalized instruction that specializes in comprehensive support for students with learning differences or need extra support to master reading, writing and/or math skills.


To provide ALL students with equal and equitable access to programs and services at MSJC by working collaboratively with the Accommodation Service Center (ASC), Learning Resource Center and Student Services.

Contact Us

The Personalized Academic Learning Skills (PALS) Program is developed to provide support to students who learn differently. We are all aware that students' skills and abilities are different and as part of the academic support group, we offer services such as

  • PALS Tutoring,
  • Information about PALS courses,
  • Individualized Assistance,
  • Learning Disability Assessment determines the strengths and weaknesses of students and provide academic accommodations based on the comprehensive assessment results to help our students reach their utmost academic potential.

Please submit this referral form if you believe yourself or a student would benefit from PALS services.

Please fill out as much as you can. Someone from the PALS team will be reaching out to anyone who has been referred.

Our program has a strong collaboration with the Learning Resource Center and Accommodation Service Center.

San Jacinto Campus

ErikaErika Mendivil
SJC Room 318

AliciaAlicia Chavira
Building 300

Menifee Valley Campus

LotaLota Cobb
MVC Room 808

TylerTyler Mendel
MVC Room 836