Honors Enrichment Program Admission and Requirements
Fill out the Honors Program Application. If you would like to consider the program as it fits in with your whole course of study, email or meet with our honors counselors Rosalva Amezcua, Miranda Angeles, Heather Pomerenke, Tatiana Somers, April Vrtis, and Escarlet Wirth.
All applications must include:
- Transcripts (unofficial college or official high school)
- Personal statement
- Education Plan or list of several classes that the student can take as honors
- Evidence of enrollment in or completion of English 101 (via transcript) or signed pledge indicating planned enrollment in English 101 during the first semester in the program (included at the end of the application).
Application Options to Apply to Honors:
Recommendation and Meeting Option
- A letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor or principal familiar with your academic work. The letter should specifically reference your critical thinking skills.
- A brief meeting with one of the Honors Co-Directors.
Qualifying GPA and Contact Names Option
- Transcript must indicate qualifying GPA (3.5 or better unweighted GPA for High School, or 3.3 GPA for College-level coursework), or SAT 1890 (out of 2400), or SAT 1260 (out of 1600) or ACT 28 (out of 36).
- Names and email addresses of two MSJC instructors who could comment on your academic work. For high school students or students coming from other colleges who are not able to identify MSJC faculty who can speak on their behalf, please include a letter of recommendation from a high school teacher or principal or from faculty from another college.
Veteran Status Option
- Veteran or Active Duty in the US Military.
- Signature of or email from MSJC Veterans Center Staff or Faculty verifying your status
Requirements for Maintaining Membership in the Program:
- Attend the first available orientation following acceptance into the program.
- Completion of English 101 by the end of their first semester in the program.
- Completion of transfer-level math requirement by the end of their second semester in the program.
- Maintain a 3.3 cumulative grade point average or a 3.3 semester grade point average. If you fall below this standard, you will be notified of your probationary status.
- Enroll in one honors course each semester (You may take one semester off from the program via petition).
- Maintain a 3.0 honors grade point average.
- Following acceptance into the Honors Program, each new Honors Program student is required to schedule an academic counseling session with one of the Honors Program counselors: Rosalva Amezcua, Miranda Angeles, Heather Pomerenke, Tatiana Somers, April Vrtis, and Escarlet Wirth. Thereafter, academic counseling appointments must be scheduled once each semester with the honors counselor.
- Conduct yourself in a manner reflecting credit on the Honors Enrichment Program and in keeping with MSJC's Student Code of Conduct.
- Complete the Honors Student Code of Conduct located in the Honors Program Canvas shell within one week of acceptance into the Honors Program.
Requirements for Completing and Graduating from the Program:
- Complete the Honors Enrichment Program Seminar (HEP 201, 202, or 203).
- Complete four other honors courses in at least three separate disciplines.
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater in all honors coursework.
- All honors classes must be taken for a letter grade to be included in the minimum 5 classes (15 units) required for completion of the program.
- Maintain a qualifying GPA (i.e., a 3.3 cumulative GPA or a 3.3 GPA since the time of entrance to the Honors Program).
- Complete 200 Honors Activity Points based on attendance and participation in Honors orientations, workshops, and other Honors and campus activities held throughout the year. Students should submit their Honors Activity Points form through the Honors Canvas shell by the end of the semester they plan on completing the program. Submission guidelines can be found on the Honors Canvas site.
- Fill out the Completion Petition that can be accessed on the Honors Canvas site.
- Complete the Honors Student Code of Conduct located in the Honors Program Canvas shell.