First-Semester Planning Session
Are you a new student that has never attended college before?
You're in the right place, here are the steps to get started:
Step 1: After you complete the online application, your next step is to complete an online orientation to receive a registration date.
Step 2: Quickly login and then out of your ConexEd Account. This process will automatically set up your ConexEd account. ConexEd is how you will access counseling services in the future and will allow the counselor to develop your educational plan.
Step 3: After your online orientation is completed, your next step is to complete the First-Semester Planning Session. At the end of the session, you will have an opportunity to complete the First-Semester Planning Survey. By completing the planning survey, you will receive an earlier registration date, and an educational plan.
Step 4: After you complete a First-Semester Planning Survey, a team of pathway counselors will review your answers and use them to create your educational plan. A pathway counselor will send you an email with a link to your Self-Service portal and directions to find your educational plan, within 3 business days* (during peak 5-7 business days, closed on Friday).
Step 5: Check your personal email, use the links provided to review your educational plan through Self-Service. Visit the Pathways webpage to find more information on your pathway and identify your pathway counselors.
After you review your educational plan, if you still have questions? Visit the Welcome Center on campus or log into the virtual Counseling Lobby to get help with your questions.
*A business day is a day the college is open.