MSJC Reaffirms Commitment to Supporting Undocumented Students
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Dear MSJC Students,
Considering recent federal administrative changes and executive orders, I want to reaffirm our commitment to the support and well-being of all Mt. San Jacinto College students.
For over 24 years as a proud Hispanic Serving Institution, MSJC has been dedicated to championing diversity, equity, and inclusion. We remain steadfast in our mission to provide equitable access, resources, and support for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Our Administrative Procedure 3415: Immigration Enforcement Activities, adopted on July 14, 2020, and based on Education Code Sections 66093 and 66093.3, underscores our commitment to creating a supportive campus environment. It ensures that "District personnel shall be available to assist any student, faculty, and staff member who may be subject to an immigration order or inquiry, or who may face similar issues, and whose education or employment is at risk because of immigration enforcement actions."
In alignment with this procedure and California laws such as the California Values Act (SB 54) and AB 21, MSJC has established clear guidelines to safeguard the privacy and rights of students and employees in the face of immigration enforcement actions.
To ensure the confidentiality and safety of our undocumented students and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to them, we will address individual needs privately. In the coming days, we will reach out to these students individually. Additionally, we are securing Red Cards for distribution to provide students with essential legal information. In the meantime, students seeking assistance can contact Lisa Campbell, Associate Dean of Student Services, at
We also encourage students to explore the resources and information provided in the FAQ section accompanying this message, including links to internal and external support services.
MSJC is equally committed to fostering a welcoming and affirming environment for all of our diverse populations. Our faculty and staff are here to provide advocacy, connection, and support to help all students thrive both academically and personally.
During these challenging times, we encourage kindness, grace, and flexibility in supporting one another. Together, we can continue to create a campus culture that empowers all students to succeed and reach their educational goals.
Dr. Roger Schultz
Mt. San Jacinto College
Frequently Asked Questions
What are my rights as an undocumented student?
Visit the UndocuDREAMers website to learn more about your rights and access detailed resources for undocumented students.
Who can I contact for legal advice if I am undocumented?
The Dreamers website includes information about the TODEC Legal Center, as well as a list of upcoming events where legal counsel will be available.
What do I do if I see ICE on campus?
Under the 2018 Legal Advisory 18-01, ICE should not be on campus, and your information is protected under FERPA. You have the right to:
- Remain silent and refuse to answer questions about your immigration status.
- Request to speak with an attorney before answering any questions.
- Refuse searches without a judicial warrant.
Can anyone at MSJC release student information to law enforcement officials?
No. Student information is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Only the MSJC Superintendent/President or designee can authorize the release of such information.
Since MSJC has open campuses, can law enforcement officials access all areas of campus without permission?
No. Areas such as classrooms, locked offices, and zones marked as “authorized personnel” require official District permission for access.
Are there support groups for students facing similar challenges?
Yes, the UndocuDREAMers program offers resources, events, and workshops to support students. Also, you may contact Lisa Campbell, Associate Dean of Student Services, at for individual assistance.
- Find Your Ally
- California Community Colleges
- Foundation for California Community Colleges
- Mental Health for Undocumented Students
- Immigrants Rising
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
- California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition
- Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice – Emergency Response Network (San Bernardino & Riverside Counties) Hotline: 909-361-4588
- Summaries of Executive Orders
- National Immigration Law Center: Factsheet: Trump's Rescission of Protected Areas Policies Undermines Safety for All
- Immigration Hub: Week One Trump EOs - 1/25
- Immigrant Defense Project: Trump's Day 1 Executive Orders: Focus On Criminalization And Detention
- Information about Rights and Protections
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas
- ACLU: Know Your Rights | Immigrants' Rights
- Brooklyn Defenders: We Have Rights
- NAKASAC: Know Your Rights
- National Immigration Law Center: Know Your Rights: Expedited Removal Expansion
- Protecting Immigrant Families: Public Charge
- Keep Your Benefits: Public Charge Test Guide
- National Immigration Law Center: Factsheet: Trump's Rescission of Protected Areas Policies Undermines Safety for All - NILC
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan
- Care and Trauma Resources
- Guides for Selected Groups
- For Educators: Frequently Asked Questions For School Officials: What To Do If Ice Shows Up At Your School
- For Healthcare Professionals: Health Care Providers and Immigration Enforcement: Know Your Rights, Know Your Patients' Rights
- For Health Care Providers: Making Healthcare Safer
- For Nonprofits and Small Business Owners: FAQs on Nonprofit and Small Business Rights with Respect to Immigration Enforcement (ICE)
- Where to Track Latest Executive Actions
- Who to Contact in Case CBP/ICE Activity
- CA Rapid Response Networks (Note: please help us keep this up to date by sharing new or updated contact information)
- Immigration Hotlines | Líneas Directas de Inmigración
- Upcoming Events
- UNITE-LA: Shaping the Future: How the New Administration Will Impact Education and Workforce Development (January 29th)
- ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties: Know Your Rights (KYR) Training Series (January 29th+)
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Immigration Briefings 2025 (February 5th+)
- Rutgers Workplace Justice Lab: Key Demands Organizers Can Make On State And Local Labor Agencies & New Strategic Alliances To Fight Back Against The Coming Federal Attacks On Immigrant Workers (February 7th)
Estimados estudiantes de MSJC:
Considerando los recientes cambios administrativos federales y órdenes ejecutivas, quiero reafirmar nuestro compromiso con el apoyo y el bienestar de todos los estudiantes de Mt. San Jacinto College.
Durante más de 24 años como una orgullosa institución al servicio de los hispanos, MSJC se ha dedicado a defender la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión. Seguimos firmes en nuestra misión de brindar acceso equitativo, recursos y apoyo para todos los estudiantes, independientemente de sus antecedentes o circunstancias.
Nuestro Procedimiento Administrativo 3415: Actividades de Aplicación de la Ley de Inmigración, adoptado el 14 de julio de 2020 y basado en las Secciones 66093 y 66093.3 del Código de Educación, subraya nuestro compromiso de crear un entorno de apoyo en el campus. Garantiza que "los empleados del Distrito estarán disponibles para ayudar a cualquier estudiante, docente y miembro del personal que pueda estar sujeto a una orden o investigación de inmigración, o que pueda enfrentar problemas similares, y cuya educación o empleo esté en riesgo debido a las acciones de aplicación de la ley de inmigración".
En consonancia con este procedimiento y las leyes de California, como la Ley de Valores de California (SB 54) y la AB 21, MSJC ha establecido pautas claras para salvaguardar la privacidad y los derechos de los estudiantes y empleados frente a las acciones de cumplimiento de la ley de inmigración.
Para garantizar la confidencialidad y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes indocumentados y evitar llamar la atención innecesariamente sobre ellos, abordaremos las necesidades individuales de forma privada. En los próximos días, nos comunicaremos con estos estudiantes de forma individual. Además, estamos obteniendo Tarjetas Rojas para su distribución a fin de proporcionar a los estudiantes información legal esencial. Mientras tanto, los estudiantes que busquen ayuda pueden comunicarse con Lisa Campbell, Decana Asociada de Servicios Estudiantiles, en
También alentamos a los estudiantes a explorar los recursos y la información que se proporcionan en la sección de preguntas frecuentes que acompaña a este mensaje, incluidos los enlaces a servicios de apoyo internos y externos.
MSJC está igualmente comprometido con la promoción de un entorno acogedor y afirmativo para todas nuestras diversas poblaciones. Nuestros profesores y personal están aquí para brindar defensa, conexión y apoyo para ayudar a todos los estudiantes a prosperar académica y personalmente.
Durante estos tiempos difíciles, fomentamos la amabilidad, la gracia y la flexibilidad para apoyarnos mutuamente. Juntos, podemos seguir creando una cultura en el campus que empodere a todos los estudiantes para que tengan éxito y alcancen sus metas educativas.
Dr. Roger Schultz
Mt. San Jacinto College
Preguntas frecuentes:
¿Cuáles son mis derechos como estudiante indocumentado?
Visite el sitio web de UndocuDREAMers para obtener más información sobre sus derechos y acceder a recursos detallados para estudiantes indocumentados.
¿Con quién puedo comunicarme para obtener asesoramiento legal si soy indocumentado?
El sitio web de Dreamers incluye información sobre el Centro Legal TODEC, así como una lista de los próximos eventos en los que habrá asesoramiento legal disponible.
¿Qué hago si veo a ICE en el campus?
Según el Aviso Legal 18-01 de 2018, ICE no debería estar en el campus y su información está protegida por FERPA. Tiene derecho a:
Permanecer en silencio y negarse a responder preguntas sobre su estatus migratorio.
Solicitar hablar con un abogado antes de responder cualquier pregunta.
Rechazar registros sin una orden judicial.
¿Puede alguien en MSJC divulgar información de los estudiantes a los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley?
No. La información de los estudiantes está protegida por la Ley de Derechos Educativos y Privacidad de la Familia (FERPA). Solo el Superintendente/Presidente de MSJC o la persona designada puede autorizar la divulgación de dicha información.
Dado que MSJC tiene campus abiertos, ¿pueden los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley acceder a todas las áreas del campus sin permiso?
No. Las áreas como las aulas, las oficinas cerradas y las zonas marcadas como "personal autorizado" requieren el permiso oficial del Distrito para acceder.
¿Existen grupos de apoyo para estudiantes que enfrentan desafíos similares?
Sí, el programa UndocuDREAMers ofrece recursos, eventos y talleres para apoyar a los estudiantes. Además, puede comunicarse con Lisa Campbell, Decana Asociada de Servicios Estudiantiles, en para obtener asistencia individual.
- Find Your Ally
- California Community Colleges
- Foundation for California Community Colleges
- Mental Health for Undocumented Students
- Immigrants Rising
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
- California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition
- Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice – Emergency Response Network (San Bernardino & Riverside Counties) Hotline: 909-361-4588
- Summaries of Executive Orders
- National Immigration Law Center: Factsheet: Trump's Rescission of Protected Areas Policies Undermines Safety for All
- Immigration Hub: Week One Trump EOs - 1/25
- Immigrant Defense Project: Trump's Day 1 Executive Orders: Focus On Criminalization And Detention
- Information about Rights and Protections
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas
- ACLU: Know Your Rights | Immigrants' Rights
- Brooklyn Defenders: We Have Rights
- NAKASAC: Know Your Rights
- National Immigration Law Center: Know Your Rights: Expedited Removal Expansion
- Protecting Immigrant Families: Public Charge
- Keep Your Benefits: Public Charge Test Guide
- National Immigration Law Center: Factsheet: Trump's Rescission of Protected Areas Policies Undermines Safety for All - NILC
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan
- Care and Trauma Resources
- Guides for Selected Groups
- For Educators: Frequently Asked Questions For School Officials: What To Do If Ice Shows Up At Your School
- For Healthcare Professionals: Health Care Providers and Immigration Enforcement: Know Your Rights, Know Your Patients' Rights
- For Health Care Providers: Making Healthcare Safer
- For Nonprofits and Small Business Owners: FAQs on Nonprofit and Small Business Rights with Respect to Immigration Enforcement (ICE)
- Where to Track Latest Executive Actions
- Who to Contact in Case CBP/ICE Activity
- CA Rapid Response Networks (Note: please help us keep this up to date by sharing new or updated contact information)
- Immigration Hotlines | Líneas Directas de Inmigración
- Upcoming Events
- UNITE-LA: Shaping the Future: How the New Administration Will Impact Education and Workforce Development (January 29th)
- ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties: Know Your Rights (KYR) Training Series (January 29th+)
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Immigration Briefings 2025 (February 5th+)
- Rutgers Workplace Justice Lab: Key Demands Organizers Can Make On State And Local Labor Agencies & New Strategic Alliances To Fight Back Against The Coming Federal Attacks On Immigrant Workers (February 7th)