About Math UP at MSJC
A Hispanic-serving intuition is defined in federal law as an accredited, degree-granting, public or private nonprofit institution of higher education with 25% or more total undergraduate Hispanic or Latinx full-time equivalent student enrollment.
- Once an institution has applied for and received its HSI designation, the institution is eligible to apply for federal grants.
Current Title V Grant: Math Undergraduate Preparation (UP) This grant targets Math 105, 110 & 140
Project Timeline: October 1, 2021- September 30, 2026 (5-year grant). Every year institution receives $538,622
Staffing Structures:
- Director, Interim, Leticia Luna-Sims. This means the director has oversight (along Dr. Ramirez Dean& Marc Donnhauser over the grant), the director has decision making over budget, ensuring objectives are moving forward to ensuring we do what we said in the grant application.
- Math Up coordinator/s: Really are leading the components as the content experts and working closely with the Math faculty with guidance and support of director. They are developing and implement tools, techniques and services related to culturally responsive and relevant practices that empower Math faculty
- Admin assistance: Tabitha Lawler, provides support to staff in terms of maintaining fiscal and management records, helps prepare reports, process paper work for conferences, PD, HRSRs etc.
- Math Up Advisory Committee In an effort to inform the campus community of grant progress college this committee will meet quarterly. The grant application as outlined the essential participants for this committee. (Pg. 41)
Project Data, evaluation and reporting:
- Baseline data was established. 2020 will be the baseline year.
- We have quarterly reports, and annual performance report due to the Department of Education updating the progress of the grant. Maintaining accurate records of everything is extremely important.
- On a yearly bases we have an external evaluator David Trujillo come and review the grant progress. This is an opportunity to get feedback and discuss challenges to receive guidance
Component 1: Redesign and Standardize Transfer- level Math Pathways
- Standardize Course Structure-research and develop best practices for instructors regarding: 1) equitable grading structures that are motivational, accurate, and reduce bias; 2) strategies that build confidence and focus on ensuring learning over managing process (pre-test, re-test, etc.) and 3) student-centered teaching strategies for active learning, flipped classroom models.
- Development of comprehensive open education resources (OER) for Math courses
- Integrating Financial Literacy and College skills – incorporating modules in math 105, 110and 140. Modules will include knowledge of markets and economics, knowledge of higher education financing, loans and repayment etc.
Component 2: Professional Development for Equity and Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
Develop professional development structures to support a summer Math UP Boot camp for Math faculty.
Module 1 - culturally relevant teaching practices such as understanding implicit bias, miro and macro aggressions
Module 2 - conduct a syllabus equity x-ray scan that equitizes math syllabi
Module 3 - offer practices to encourage equity- minded feedback on student progress and equitable grading
Module 4 - develop active learning strategies including flipped classroom opportunities
Module 5 - incorporate embedded tutors into Math class delivery as support; strategies for providing consistent classroom norming to promote inclusion and openness
Module 6 - intergrade OER and financial literacy unit for academic persistence
Component 3: Embedded Tutoring Support
- Embedded tutoring in Math 105 College Algebra, 11 Pre-Calculus, 140 Stats (bring tutoring to students essentially making tutoring inescapable)
Objective 1 - by September 2026, the number of students: a) graduating/attaining degrees will increase by 20%, b) transferring to four-year universities will increase by 35% over the baseline.
Objective 2 - by September 2026, the number of first-time Hispanic and underprepared students who are successful in Transfer-level Math (105, 110, and 140) will increase by 20% over the baseline.
Objective 3 - by September 2026, decrease the number of Hispanic and underprepared students withdrawing from Transfer-level Math (105, 110, 140) in the first year by 5%
Objective 4 - by September 2026, the number of first-time students persisting to the next academic year will increase by 10% over the baseline.
Objective 5 - by September 2026, the number of Math 105, 110, and 140 course sections providing OER and Financial Literacy units will increase from the 0 to 40 sections.
Objective 6 - by September 2026, the average number of units accumulated by Hispanic and underrepresented students will decrease from 87 to 76 units.
Objective 7 - by September 2026, 90% of all full time Math faculty will participate in training/professional development activities supporting the redesign/ standardization of Math 105, 110, 140; culturally responsive teaching/learning strategies.