Bahareh Alaei Assistant Professor, English
Bahareh Brittany Alaei earned her B.A from the University of California, Berkeley, and her M.A. from California State University, Long Beach. Her research interest include digital rhetoric, multimodal composition, and 20th Century diasporic literature. In playing with the conventions of composition and digital media, she hopes to help blur the boundaries between multimodal writing and filmmaking. She has been published in Kairos, Itineration, and Present Tense. When she's not working, she enjoys trying out new restaurants and sour beer, listening to podcasts, and playing with her family and friends.
Course Themes
- Cognition and Biases
- Growth Mindset
- Digital Information Age
- Participatory Culture
- Artificial Intelligence
“The Choric Slam Tilt: Unpinning the Table.” Itineration: Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Rhetoric, Media, and Culture.
“One More Video Theory (Some Assemblage Required)” (with Sarah Arroyo). Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society 5.2 December 2015.
“Being Placed (Not!)” and “The Dancing Floor.” Video compositions co-produced with Sarah Arroyo, published as supplemental material in her book Participatory Composition; Video Culture, Writing, and Electracy. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2013.
“Exposing YouTube's Underbelly: Four Studies in Videocy.” (with Sarah Arroyo, Robert Leston, Geoffrey Carter, and Sherrin Frances). Itineration: Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Rhetoric, Media, and Culture. Itinerations. Fall 2013.
“The Dancing Floor.” (with Sarah Arroyo). Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 17.2, Spring 2013.
Conference Presentations
“Cultivating Cinematically, Composing Collectively.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR, March 2017.
Chair for "Participation, Collaboration, and Student Discourse" Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR, March 2017.
“Composing with Video: An Interactive Workshop for Producing as a Listener.” Invited workshop presentation for UC Davis's Rhetoric @ Davis's Winter 2016 Workshop. Davis, CA, January 2016.
“One More Video Theory (Some Assemblage Required).” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL, March 2015.
“From Popcycle to Vicycle: rEvolutions of Ulmer's Videocy.” Computers and Writing Conference. Pullman, WA. June 2014.
“Videocy in the Age of Open Access: The Challenges to Scholarship.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN. March 2014.
“Choric Slam Tilt: Unpinning the Table.” Modern Language Association Convention. Boston, MA. January 2013. Review:
“The Dancing Floor.” MoMLA From Panel to Gallery. Modern Languages Association. Seattle Washington. January 2012.
“What's Funny? Looking Forward while Fighting Back with Post-Conflict Laughter.” Chapter accepted for publication in the collection Rhetorical Speculations.