Tax Form 1098-T Information
MSJC distributes 1098-T forms online in individual student accounts via Self-Service or by mail to all students who have a valid tax identification number on file. For individuals, this is your social security number. This form is used to claim a tax credit for higher education. Each student's 1098-T form will be available January 31. You can use the links below for information about the 1098-T form. Mt. San Jacinto College District cannot answer tax questions or offer tax advice. Please refer to your tax professional. You may not receive a 1098-T form if your tuition fees were waived by a California College Promise Grant or a K-12 fee waiver.
- Go to and login;
- Choose the Electronic Delivery option;
- Click Submit.
** Consent choices/changes must be made by January 15 for the previous year's tax forms **
Go to and login.
Forgot your User Id and password? Instructions to find your User ID and password, go to
The 1098-T is an informational statement letting you know what information has been sent to the IRS. A 1098-T is available to each student who was billed for or received a refund for college-credit classes held in the previous year. MSJC is required by the IRS to issue 1098-Ts.
How Do I Get Additional Information?
Questions concerning the Hope Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Tax Credits may be directed to your tax advisor or your local IRS office.
The 1098-T information is available for students to access on demand via their Self-Service account. For additional assistance, call the MSJC 1098-T information line: 951-801-6875. Leave your name, Student ID, and question for a call back concerning your 1098-T. Or email
Education Credits--AOTC and LLC
Tax Benefits for Higher Education
Updating Personal Information
Address changes are done online on the “User Profile” page in MSJC's Self-Service. If you need to change your social security number, please contact the Welcome Center for assistance.
Requesting a Duplicate Copy
To request a duplicate copy of your 1098-T, simply log in to your Self-Service account and reprint your information. Students may contact the Welcome Center for assistance.