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Learn to develop a leader's mindset and become a person of influence.  Creating a culture of change, leading with trust, and resolving conflicts are part of what a leader does. With an awareness of your strengths, you will learn to lead effectively.  These courses will show you that anyone can be a leader, an effective leader.  Personal growth and creating a positive change is taught with strength and passion.  If you have a desire to be successful and strive for excellence, then developing the leader in you is key!  The leadership program provides a structured set of skills that help you positively impact your life and the lives around you.

Woman at the front of the room talking to a group at a table

Contact Information

San Jacinto/Menifee Valley Campus
(951) 487-MSJC (6752)/ (951) 672-MSJC (6752)
1-800-624-5561/ 1-800-452-3335
Karen Cranney (951) 672-5715