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History is the inquiry into, and the interpretations of, past events, peoples, and eras. The study of history is an important undertaking allowing us to examine our human heritage, explore societies from around the world and their relationship to one another, and appreciate how the past has shaped the world we live in. As more informed citizens of the world we will be better equipped to recognize other perspectives, question our own assumptions, and critically analyze and engage with the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Pyramid El Castillo in Chichen Itza Mexico

Historians focus on a variety of arenas when studying changing interpretations of the past.  The interconnections between political theory, power dynamics, marginalized peoples, religious and philosophical beliefs, cultural trends, military developments, economic concerns, and more, are the subject of this diverse and dynamic field.  History can also help us develop a greater empathy for the struggles and experiences of others and acknowledge the important role race/ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, dis(ability), religion, and culture have played in shaping the societies we study. History classes, therefore, help us to think with rigor, to write with clarity and precision, to organize and assess evidence, to analyze problems, and interpret complex events that will contribute to our academic success and professional endeavors.

Contact Information

San Jacinto Campus
(951) 487-MSJC (6752)
Christina Yamanaka
(951) 487-3522
Herbert Alarcon
(951) 487-3262

Menifee Valley Campus
(951) 672-MSJC (6752)
Gary Vargas
(951) 639-5759