Geospatial Information Science
Have you ever wondered how Starbucks decides where to put its next “coffee shop” or where Amazon decides to try out its drone package delivery systems? Who designs all the layers on the latest version of MineCraft or Fortnite? They use people who have developed skills in collecting and analyzing geospatial information.
The study of geospatial information is referred to as Geographic Information Science, GIS. It is a rapidly growing area of study that can lead to rewarding careers in many different disciplines. GIS involves the preparation, analysis, and scientific research necessary for identifying patterns, trends, and relationships that are represented in space and time.
GIS integrates many types of data. It collects, organizes, and analyses layers of information never before possible. With these unique capabilities, GIS reveals deeper insights into data, such as patterns, relationships, and real-time situations.
Recent advancements make it possible to collect, analyze, interact and produce visualizations of data using the latest digital, photographic, data collection, and storage technologies, such as 3D animation maps, video photography, drones, and cloud storage. Students enrolled in our GIS courses have the advantage of learning advanced communication and mapmaking skills that prepare them for careers in many fields where geospatial information is needed to make smarter, informed, decisions.
The Geographic Information Science (GIS) non-transfer Certificate and AS degree prepares students for GIS-related careers which are enhanced by the completion of a bachelor or graduate program. For students currently working within these fields, there may be potential for salary and/or career advancement.
San Jacinto and Menifee Valley Campus
(951) 672-MSJC (6752)
Roy Mason, Ph.D. (951) 639-5730
Emina Sulych, GISP